18 January 2025
Sweden must cut its ties with a Syrian Kurdish militia or Turkey will continue to block its application to Nato, Ankara's ambassador to Stockholm tells ⁦@rmilneNordic⁩ amid a deepening diplomatic crisis
2 year ago
The Turkish army targets with artillery shells the positions of the Syrian Democratic Forces stationed near the city of Al-Bab, east of Aleppo
Els Estats Units i Turquia estan compromesos a treballar estretament junts per afrontar els reptes geopolítics actuals2 year ago
"Els Estats Units i Turquia estan compromesos a treballar estretament junts per afrontar els reptes geopolítics actuals
La fragata de míssils de l'Armada Russa Almirall Grigorovich, vista avui apropant-se als Dardanels cap al mar Negre Probablement escortant dos vaixells cisterna russos (Yaz, IMO 9735323 i Sig, IMO 9735335) S'entén que el vaixell de guerra roman al mar Mediterrani2 year ago
La fragata de míssils de l'Armada Russa Almirall Grigorovich, vista avui apropant-se als Dardanels cap al mar Negre Probablement escortant dos vaixells cisterna russos (Yaz, IMO 9735323 i Sig, IMO 9735335) S'entén que el vaixell de guerra roman al mar Mediterrani
Turkish artillery units are hitting PKK positions on the Ayn Isa line. Key points hit
In a meeting today in Washington with Turkey Deputy Foreign Minister Sedat Onal, @DeputySecState "discussed the need for solidarity among NATO Allies and partners in confronting" Russia, according to @StateDept
Jens Stoltenberg: Va parlar amb el ministre d'Afers Exteriors @MevlutCavusoglu sobre les decisions dels nostres socis més propers Finlàndia
2 year ago
Turquia votarà en contra de la sol·licitud de Suècia i Finlàndia d'unir-se a l'OTAN, diu Erdogan
2 year ago
.@SecBlinken diu que està "molt segur que arribarem a un consens" sobre l'adhesió de Finlàndia i Suècia a l'OTAN malgrat les indicacions de Turquia que actualment no donarien suport a la seva pertinença.
2 year ago
El president de Finlàndia @niinisto està "una mica desconcertat" per l'amenaça de veto de Turquia. Quan va parlar amb el president @RTErdogan fa un mes, va dir que donaria suport a l'adhesió. "Li vaig donar les gràcies i estava molt satisfet amb el meu agraïment"
2 year ago
A leader of the Future Syria Party says, the US decision to lift sanctions on the AANES-held areas has annoyed Turkey
Turkish Armed Forces hit the positions of the SDF in the village of Tel Kırah, in the north of Aleppo, with artillery fire.
Turkish artillery units hit SDF positions in the villages of Zawr Magar and Şeyhler, west of Kobane
Turkish forces bombard with heavy artillery military sites in the areas of influence of the Syrian Democratic Forces in the northern countryside of Aleppo
Turkish artillery units hit SDF positions west of Kobane
The Turkish forces target the countryside of Syria's Manbij with mortar shells
For the second day in a row Turkey is shelling the villages Xirab Eto, Zor Mixar, Ziyarete, Betade û Ehmed Munir ,Shexlera Jorin, Siftek, Boban and the Mishtenur Hill in western of Kobane. Till now 15 howitzers have hit the villages (ANHA) Northern Syria
Been a pretty big uptick in shelling across North Aleppo recently between TSK/SNA and SDF/government (today in Kafr Jannah, Tell Rifa'at, Mare', al-Bab, Manbij, Jarabulus). It appears some shells fire by the latter fell west of Karkamış, inside Turkey2 year ago
Been a pretty big uptick in shelling across North Aleppo recently between TSK/SNA and SDF/government (today in Kafr Jannah, Tell Rifa'at, Mare', al-Bab, Manbij, Jarabulus). It appears some shells fire by the latter fell west of Karkamış, inside Turkey
Turkish-backed forces also shelled areas near Manbij, Ain Issa, and Kurdish villages in northern Aleppo
Turkish forces bombarded a village in the northern countryside of Syria's Aleppo
The YPG announced that Ekrem Üstek (53), a well-known figure originally from Şırnak, was killed by the Turkish drone strike on a car south of Kobane this morning. Üstek spent 13 years in a Turkish prison before crossing into NES in 2014 to defend Kobane from ISIS
2 drone strikes targeted the city of Kobane this morning. According to initial reports, the first attack took place on the main road south of the city & the second within the city center. A Turkish drone continues to fly over the city. No casualty numbers have yet been reported
Iran's Foreign Minister @Amirabdolahian says Turkey's dam construction causes problems for the Iranian people and the region, and is not acceptable to the Islamic Republic
The Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK) announces the killing of 8 Turkish soldiers in the latest operation against the Turkish army in the border mountains between Turkey and the Kurdistan Region, which was not announced by the Turkish Ministry of Defense. Video of the operation on the Telegram channel2 year ago
The Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK) announces the killing of 8 Turkish soldiers in the latest operation against the Turkish army in the border mountains between Turkey and the Kurdistan Region, which was not announced by the Turkish Ministry of Defense. Video of the operation on the Telegram channel
Turkish forces and the affiliated Syrian opposition factions are targeting villages in Syria's Aleppo northern countryside
Multiple instances of light clashes in Afrin Aleppo countryside today - Suquor al-Sham fighters and a local clan in Bulbul, and Ahrar ash-Sharqiyah forces are involved in separate firefights in Jinderes. Still below from one of a few videos floating around TG today, from Bulbul
For second day, clashes continue between the Iraqi army and PKK-affiliated YBŞ around Shingal district. Airstrikes targeted YBŞ bases last night2 year ago
For second day, clashes continue between the Iraqi army and PKK-affiliated YBŞ around Shingal district. Airstrikes targeted YBŞ bases last night
2 year ago
Turkish riot police detained scores of demonstrators in Istanbul, pinning some of them to the ground and dragging them away from the rally
2 year ago
A missile attack targets the Zlikan base where Turkish forces are stationed in Mosul
The director of Al Rayyan Kindergarten "Zakaria Hamidi" was seriously injured when an explosive device exploded in his car in the center of the city of Jarabulus.