6 day agoThe Turkish Ministry of Defense announced the killing of 9 militants from the Kurdistan Workers' Party, after they were spotted in the Kara and Hakurk regions in northern Iraq.
6 day agoEl president de Turquia, Erdogan: nn- Reafirmem el nostre suport a la integritat territorial, la sobirania i la independència d'Ucraïna; - Estem disposats a donar qualsevol suport per acabar amb aquesta guerra d'una manera pacífica; - Aquesta guerra, que ha costat moltes vides, ha d'acabar; - Estem preparats per fer la nostra part per la seguretat marítima al Mar Negre
6 day agoEl president turc Erdogan:- Sempre hem defensat l'establiment de la pau negociada entre Rússia i Ucraïna; -Gràcies a les nostres correspondències diplomàtiques entre les parts, vam adonar-nos de l'acord del Corredor del Gra del Mar Negre; - En els últims anys, ens hem reunit amb els representants de Rússia i Ucraïna a diferents nivells; - El Sr. Trump també va dir que la guerra hauria d'acabar amb el diàleg; - Pel que fa a les probables converses de pau que tindran els EUA, Rússia i Ucraïna, crec que Turquia serà l'amfitrió molt adequat per a aquestes converses.
El ministre turc d'Afers Exteriors, Hakan Fidan, es va reunir amb el ministre de Defensa ucraïnès Rustem Umerov a la capital de Turquia, Ankara.
The Turkish Armed Forces hit the SDF targets located on the Ayn Issa line with artillery fire
A short while ago, Turkish warplanes launched 3 raids on SDF positions in the "Zor Maghar" area on the Euphrates River opposite the city of Jarabulus, east of Aleppo, destroying missile launch pads and tunnels
6 day agoEl president turc Recep Tayyip Erdogan dóna la benvinguda al seu homòleg ucraïnès Volodymyr Zelenskyy al complex presidencial d'Ankara
6 day agoTurkish Ministry of National Defense announced that two PKK militants were neutralized in the Gara and Claw-Lock Operation regions in northern Iraq.
6 day agoA Turkish drone airstrike targeted the SDF militia in the village of Saif Ali, east of the town of Al-Shuyukh, southwest of the city of Ayn al-Arab/Kobani.
1 week ago20 people detained in trustee protests in Van arrested
1 week agoTurkish warplanes launch several airstrikes targeting SDF militia sites east of Ain Issa in the northern Syrian countryside of Raqqa
El president ucraïnès, Zelensky, visitarà Turquia dimarts, confirma la presidència turca
1 week agoA Turkish warplane launches an airstrike on a military gathering of the SDF militia near the town of Ain Issa in the northern countryside of Raqqa
1 week agoTurkish airstrike on Sarrin (south of Kobane) reported
1 week agoA Turkish raid targets a SDF site near the Euphrates River, east of the city of Jarabulus in the eastern countryside of Aleppo
1 week agoTurkish warplanes hit SDF targets in the village of Sheikhs, west of Kobane
Earthquake of magnitude 4.7 - 20 km ESE of Yedisu, Turkey
Syrian Kurdish journalist Agid Roj was killed in a Turkish airstrike near Tishrin Dam, Manbij. Press freedom advocates condemn the attack, urging protection for journalists in conflict zones
1 week agoErdogan: Türkiye will not allow terrorist organizations to exist in northern Syria
1 week agoTürkiye lifts all restrictions on the passage of Syrian goods to Europe.
Turkish warplanes targeted several airstrikes on sites belonging to the SDF in the vicinity of the village of Al-Tina, north of the town of Sarrin
Drone targets Tishreen Dam and warplanes raid hits Al-Qasaq Mountains
1 week agoTurkish raids target SDF sites in Zor Maghar and Al-Shuyukh mountains, east of Aleppo
Turkish Armed Forces UAVs hit SDF targets in the village of Seyhler, west of Kobane
2 week agoNegotiations on natural gas trade between Turkey and Turkmenistan, which began in 1998, have come to a conclusion after 27 years. An agreement was reached on the supply of Turkmen gas to Turkey. The agreement is planned to start deliveries as of March 1, 2025.
Turkish warplanes launch airstrikes on southern Kobani
Armenian Foreign Ministry: Currently, there is no progress in the context of opening the border crossing between Armenia and Turkey
2 week agoTurkish Armed Forces UAVs hit SDF targets in Bucak village south of Kobane
Erdogan: Israel cannot be allowed to continue as if nothing happened after causing destruction, suffering and massacres
Turkish Foreign Minister: We do not accept the displacement of Palestinians or changing the identity of Jerusalem