4 July 2024
Wounded in armed family clashes in the town of Akhtarin, north of Aleppo
9 month ago
The authorities of Kazakhstan and Turkey intend to intensify the use of the Trans-Caspian International Transport Route (TITR) and increase the supply of goods using it, said Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs of Kazakhstan Murat Nurtleu following negotiations in Astana with his Turkish counterpart Hakan Fidan
9 month ago
Erdogan opposes India-Middle East Corridor. “We say that there is no corridor without Turkey,” he said; Turkish president says Ankara is backing a rival scheme to connect the Gulf to Turkey through Iraq, called the Development Road Project
9 month ago
Media quoting Erdogan: The meeting with the Egyptian president was positive and we discussed plans to restore a high-level cooperation council
Turkish intelligence neutralizes a commander from the YPG in northern Syria
The Turkish Ministry of Defense announces the neutralization of a PKK official named Ferid Yuksel in northern Iraq10 month ago
The Turkish Ministry of Defense announces the neutralization of a PKK official named Ferid Yuksel in northern Iraq
10 month ago
Turkish Foreign Minister: The conflicts in eastern Syria are only the beginning and we warn of more serious repercussions
10 month ago
A Turkish drone targets the Qandil site in Tal Rifaat, north of Aleppo
10 month ago
Flooding in Istanbul’s outskirts, Başakşehir, following heavy rain. One dead
10 month ago
Shoigu: no es va parlar de l'enfortiment de la posició de Turquia al Mar Negre durant les negociacions amb la Federació Russa.
10 month ago
La primera unitat de la central nuclear d'Akkuyu a Turquia està previst que es posi en marxa l'any vinent, hi ha perspectives per desenvolupar la cooperació entre països en aquesta àrea - Putin
El president Erdogan ha arribat a Sotxi per a converses amb Putin
10 month ago
Earthquake of magnitude 4.8 - 11 km SSW of Özdere, Turkey
10 month ago
Ministeri d'Afers Exteriors turc: Ankara està preparant propostes substancials pel que fa a la represa del tracte de cereals
Deir ez-Zor, eastern countryside: "SDF" targets the town of Dhiban with rocket shells, from its positions on the outskirts of the town, coinciding with the continuation of clashes between it and tribal fighters.
Dues fonts turques van dir a Reuters: Erdogan es reunirà amb Putin a Sotxi, Rússia, el 4 de setembre
Syrian Foreign Minister: Our only demand for normalization of relations with Turkey is the complete withdrawal of its forces from all our lands
10 month ago
Turkish drone hit YPG positions south to Azaz
10 month ago
The Turkish Ministry of Defense announces the neutralization of two members of the SDF in northern Syria
10 month ago
Earthquake of magnitude 4.8 - 19 km SW of Kulu, Turkey
El Primus, un granelero amb bandera de Libèria, va sortir dissabte d'Odesa, en direcció a Istanbul en ruta cap al Senegal. Aquest és el segon vaixell portacontenidors que surt d'Ucraïna pel corredor temporal del mar Negre establert pel govern d'Ucraïna després que Rússia es retirés del BSGI.10 month ago
El Primus, un granelero amb bandera de Libèria, va sortir dissabte d'Odesa, en direcció a Istanbul en ruta cap al Senegal. Aquest és el segon vaixell portacontenidors que surt d'Ucraïna pel corredor temporal del mar Negre establert pel govern d'Ucraïna després que Rússia es retirés del BSGI.
10 month ago
The USS Gerald R. Ford, the world's largest aircraft carrier, docked off the coast of QTerminals port in Antalya province
10 month ago
Earthquake of magnitude 4.8 - 11 km SW of Yeşilyurt, Turkey
Amûdê: Turkish-drone strike reported in Amûdê countryside
10 month ago
Erdogan diu que Turquia no reconeix l'annexió de Crimea. "Crimea és un component d'Ucraïna. Mantenim el nostre suport a la integritat territorial d'Ucraïna". Erdogan demana l'alliberament dels líders tàtars de Crimea que van ser empresonats per Rússia
Personnel from the fire fighters unit bravely pass through the jungle.10 month ago
Personnel from the fire fighters unit bravely pass through the jungle.
Real-life heroes trying to save animals in the terrifying forest fire in Turkey10 month ago
Real-life heroes trying to save animals in the terrifying forest fire in Turkey
The fire that started in the jungle is now spreading towards the town.10 month ago
The fire that started in the jungle is now spreading towards the town.
10 month ago
Anatolia: Turkish intelligence announces the neutralization of the so-called “Bakir Kina” In the PKK organization in Sulaymaniyah Governorate, northern Iraq, which underwent training to assassinate members of the Turkish forces
Iraqi Foreign Minister: The Turkish Foreign Minister suggested forming a permanent committee to discuss the water file between the two countries