8 Îlon 2024
1 year ago
Earthquake of magnitude 5.5 - Central Turkey
1 year ago
Reuters, ji zarê Serokomarê Tirkiyê: Hevpeyvîna min a bê ya bi Pûtîn re dibe ku bibe sedema vegerandina Înîsiyatîfa Genimê Deryaya Reş.
1 year ago
Erdogan says he is not closed to the meeting with Assad, and can meet, but what is important is how Damascus approaches Turkish positions. Erdogan: Unfortunately, Assad is calling for Turkey to leave northern Syria. Such a thing cannot happen because we are fighting terrorism there
1 year ago
Serokomarê Tirkiyê Erdogan dibêje, peymana genimê Deryaya Reş wek serkeftineke dîplomatîk derbasî dîrokê bû
1 year ago
Turkish President: We want to strengthen relations with Saudi Arabia, the UAE and Qatar
Turkish artillery units hit points belonging to the YPG in the Tel Rifat region
1 year ago
Turkish bombardment of Metina mountain in the Kurdistan Region
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan meets US President Joe Biden on the sidelines of NATO Summit in Vilnius, Lithuania
Wezareta Derve ragihand ku Amerîka piştgirî daye dabînkirina firokeyên F-16 bo Tirkîyê û piştgirîya daxwaza Enqerê ya jibo endametîya Yekîtîya Ewrupa dike.
Jens Stoltenberg: Bi kêfxweşî radigihînim ku piştî hevdîtina ku min bi @RTerdogan û SwedishPM re kir, Serokomar Erdogan qebûl kir ku protokola tevlêbûna Swêdê di demek kurt de ji Meclîsa Neteweyî ya Mezin re bişîne û piştrast bike ku were pejirandin. Ev gaveke dîrokî ye ku hemû hevalbendên NATOyê bihêztir û ewletir dike
1 year ago
Serokkomar Zelensky li Tirkiyeyê bi Serokomar Erdogan re hevdîtin kir
1 year ago
Liwa Ahrar Al-Iraq, a pro-Iranian militia, issues a statement clarifying that the 'final chance' offered by the Islamic resistance in Iraq to the government does not extend to the Turkish military presence in Iraq. They targeted the Turkish base in Batifa in Duhok earlier today
The @UN hopes the Security Council to vote for the renewal of the cross-border aid mechanism between Syria and Turkey in the coming days
1 year ago
Turkish Minister of Health on the employment of Syrians in health centers for immigrants: We train employees, select them from among Syrian citizens, employ them on a temporary contract, and pay their wages from the funds of the European Union and not from the resources of the Republic of Turkey
Turkey and Egypt announce that diplomatic relations between two countries have been raised to the level of embassies1 year ago
Turkey and Egypt announce that diplomatic relations between two countries have been raised "to the level of embassies"
Pro-Assad forces bombarded with rocket launchers the vicinity of the Turkish military point near the town of Al-Bara in the southern countryside of Idlib1 year ago
Pro-Assad forces bombarded with rocket launchers the vicinity of the Turkish military point near the town of Al-Bara in the southern countryside of Idlib
Warplanes belonging to Turkish air force command carried out air operations against targets belonging to PKK in the Matin mountain range in northern Iraq
Turkish Lira depreciates by 2.39% against US Dollar. nn26 Lira per US Dollar now1 year ago
Turkish Lira depreciates by 2.39% against US Dollar. nn26 Lira per US Dollar now
1 year ago
Erdogan called Putin: the President of Russia informed about the situation in the country in connection with an attempted armed rebellion. The President of the Republic of Turkey expressed full support for the steps of the Russian leadership
Turkish activity with 6 (at least) UAVs in different altitudes at east Thrace1 year ago
Turkish activity with 6 (at least) UAVs in different altitudes at east Thrace
1 year ago
Tumeh: Whenever the Astana negotiations begin, the government and Russia start bombing the Syrians to put pressure on the opposition
Turkish drone targeted a car belonging to YPG militants in the village of Tel Şair on the road between Kamışlı and Kahtaniye.
Aleppo Today correspondent: Turkish artillery targets SDF positions in the vicinity of Tal Shair village on the Syrian-Turkish border
1 year ago
Turkey raises the minimum wage by 34% — in the second hike in a year — to shield low-income earners from persistently high inflation
1 year ago
Kurdistan Region PM @masrourbarzani today arrived in Ankara to meet with Turkey's President Erdogan and other government officials on development of bilateral relations
Turkish Armed Forces hit the positions of YPG in the village of Şavarga on the Tel Rifat line with artillery fire.
Turkish army artillery targets SDF positions in the village of Maranaz in the northern countryside of Aleppo
Turkish artillery units are targeting YPG positions in the Tel Rifat region
A fire broke out in agricultural land in Raju district, north of Aleppo, and civil defense teams managed to put it out
Topxaneyên artêşa Tirkiyê çeperên PKKê yên li herêma Tel Rifatê bombebaran kirin