8 Îlon 2024
1 year ago
Keştiya barhilgir a bi giranî di rê de ji St.
1 year ago
President Erdoğan: We will meet and talk with Putin face to face. My Foreign Minister may travel to Russia soon. Because it is of great importance that this business be face to face.
EU countries have discussed importing Iran gas through Türkiye. Iran Deputy Oil Minister: negotiations are ongoing & have not yet reached a conclusive agreement. Iran will not prevent Turkmenistan gas reaching Turkey via Iran if it wants to transport its own gas to EU
Syria: Turkey carried out this afternoon an airstrike (& the first of that kind since 2018). A TSK drone destroyed the car of SDF leaders who went to town of Zahraa (North Aleppo) to meet pro-Assad/Iranian officials. Multiple casualties
Îro danê sibê ji buroya Stenbolê hat dîtin: Keştiya ala ya Fîloya 6emîn a Amerîkayê, USS Mount Whitney, di demekê de ku li Deryaya Reş tengezariyek mezin heye, gihîşt benderê. Nasnameya keştiyê ji hêla @YorukIsik ve1 year ago
Îro danê sibê ji buroya Stenbolê hat dîtin: Keştiya ala ya Fîloya 6emîn a Amerîkayê, USS Mount Whitney, di demekê de ku li Deryaya Reş tengezariyek mezin heye, gihîşt benderê. Nasnameya keştiyê ji hêla @YorukIsik ve
Serokomariya Tirkiyê dibêje, Tirkiyê piştî êrişa gemiya Behra Reş hişyarî da Rûsyayê. Hişyariya muxatabên me yên li Rûsyayê hat kirin ku ji bo ku li Deryaya Reş alozî dernekeve1 year ago
Serokomariya Tirkiyê dibêje, Tirkiyê piştî êrişa gemiya Behra Reş hişyarî da Rûsyayê. "Hişyariya muxatabên me yên li Rûsyayê hat kirin ku ji bo ku li Deryaya Reş alozî dernekeve"
Keştiya konteyner Joseph Schulte ku ji Odesa derket di avên Romanyayê de ye, dê vê êvarê bigihêje Stenbolê, - Nûnerê xwediyê keştiyê.1 year ago
Keştiya konteyner Joseph Schulte ku ji Odesa derket di avên Romanyayê de ye, dê vê êvarê bigihêje Stenbolê, - Nûnerê xwediyê keştiyê.
1 year ago
Earthquake of magnitude 4.7 - 3 km WSW of Yeşilyurt, Turkey
1 year ago
The Turkish Defense Ministry announces the neutralization of 12 YPG fighters in a military operation in northern Syria
People come out to the streets after the earthquake of 5.5 that hit Malatya, Turquiacute; After experiencing a destructive earthquake last year, people are still afraid to enter their homes due to the lingering fear of aftershocks.1 year ago
People come out to the streets after the earthquake of 5.5 that hit Malatya, Turquiacute; After experiencing a destructive earthquake last year, people are still afraid to enter their homes due to the lingering fear of aftershocks.
After experiencing a dangerous earthquake last year, people are still afraid to enter their homes due to the lingering fear of aftershocks Malatya Turqu'a deprem1 year ago
After experiencing a dangerous earthquake last year, people are still afraid to enter their homes due to the lingering fear of aftershocks Malatya Turqu'a deprem
1 year ago
Earthquake of magnitude 5.3 - eastern Turkey
Assad blamed Erdogan for the increase in violence in Syria, demands the withdrawal of Turkish troops
1 year ago
Explosion rocks Derince Port in Turkey. CNN Turk reports that two grain silos have been affected by the explosion
1 year ago
Turkish Ministry of Defense: 5 Kurdish militants were killed in northern Syria
1 year ago
Pûtîn û Erdogan bi telefonê axivîn, li ser peymana genim axivîn, li ser serdana Pûtîn a Tirkiyeyê li hev kirin
1 year ago
Turkish Ministry of Defense: 3 "militants" from the "PKK" have been neutralized in the Zap region within the areas of Operation Claw in northern Iraq
1 year ago
Earthquake of magnitude 4.8 - 28 km NNE of Konya, Turkey
1 year ago
Forest fires rage in three provinces of Turkey - Antalya, Manisa, and Kahramanmaraş. These scenes were captured from the resort town of Kemer
1 year ago
A big fire continues in Antalya's Kemer district, but its progress has been stopped. It is being intervened by helicopters and firefighters
Esed bi nûnerê taybet ê Serokê Rûsyayê Aleksander Lavrentiev re dosya vegera penaberên Sûriyê gotûbêj kir û her du aliyan serhişkiya Tirkiyê derbarê vekişîna ji axa Sûriyê gotûbêj kirin.
1 year ago
Firefighters battling large fire in Antalya, Turkey
A strong 5.5 Magnitude earthquake hit in Adana, Turkey1 year ago
A strong 5.5 Magnitude earthquake hit in Adana, Turkey
1 year ago
Earthquake of magnitude 5.5 - Central Turkey
1 year ago
Reuters, ji zarê Serokomarê Tirkiyê: Hevpeyvîna min a bê ya bi Pûtîn re dibe ku bibe sedema vegerandina Înîsiyatîfa Genimê Deryaya Reş.
1 year ago
Erdogan says he is not closed to the meeting with Assad, and can meet, but what is important is how Damascus approaches Turkish positions. Erdogan: Unfortunately, Assad is calling for Turkey to leave northern Syria. Such a thing cannot happen because we are fighting terrorism there
1 year ago
Serokomarê Tirkiyê Erdogan dibêje, peymana genimê Deryaya Reş wek serkeftineke dîplomatîk derbasî dîrokê bû
1 year ago
Turkish President: We want to strengthen relations with Saudi Arabia, the UAE and Qatar
Turkish artillery units hit points belonging to the YPG in the Tel Rifat region
1 year ago
Turkish bombardment of Metina mountain in the Kurdistan Region