5 أكتوبر 2024
3 الشهر منذ
وكالة الأناضول: تركيا تعلن توقيع اتفاقيات مع أميركا لشراء طائرات F-16 مع استمرار المفاوضات حول التفاصيل
3 الشهر منذ
Turkish court acquits three police officers accused of killing prominent Kurdish human rights lawyer Tahir Elci in 2015
3 الشهر منذ
Turkish Foreign Minister Fidan says fundamentalist Netanyahu gov't continuing its systematic massacre, Türkiye will not stand idly by ongoing massacre in Gaza
3 الشهر منذ
Turkish Ministry of National Defense: 4 PKK/YPG militants detected in the Claw-Lock Operation region in northern Iraq were neutralized
3 الشهر منذ
Turkish Armed Forces hit the YPG positions in the Boğaz village on the Areme line, west of Manbij, with artillery fire.
أجرى وزير الخارجية التركي محادثات مع شويغو في موسكو3 الشهر منذ
أجرى وزير الخارجية التركي محادثات مع شويغو في موسكو
4 الشهر منذ
Turkish warplanes hit PKK targets in the Metina region in northern Iraq
4 الشهر منذ
Turkish Armed Forces hit the targets of the YPG in the village of Semuka on the Tel Rifat line with artillery fire.
4 الشهر منذ
Turkish court sentences Mehmet Siddik Akis, the recently elected co-mayor of Hakkari from the pro-Kurdish DEM Party who was removed from his position, to 19 years and six months in prison
4 الشهر منذ
وزارة الدفاع التركية: مقتل 14 مسلحا من حزب العمال الكردستاني بضربة جوية شمالي العراق.
4 الشهر منذ
الطيران المسير التركي يستهدف سيارة عسكرية تابعة لقسد على أطراف مدينة عين_العرب شرقي حلب.( مراسل راديو الكل) حلب سوريا
4 الشهر منذ
وزارة الدفاع التركية تعلن "تحييد" 3 عناصر من تنظيم YPG في منطقة درع الفرات شمال سوريا
4 الشهر منذ
Turkish Armed Forces hit the YPG positions on the Sayyada line in the west of Manbij with mortar and artillery fire.
4 الشهر منذ
Turkish President Erdogan hosted Kosovo PM @albinkurti at the Presidential Complex in Ankara. Kurti will also meet with Foreign Minister Fidan, attend the inaugural Kosovo-Turkey business forum, and meet with the diaspora community in Istanbul
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Turkish Navy Ada class corvette F 513 TCG Burgazada spotted today afternoon northbound Chios Strait after Efes24 exercise finished
4 الشهر منذ
Turkish warplanes hit PKK positions in the Nihele region of Duhok in northern Iraq.
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TSK airstrikes Metina and Amadiya and Hakurk
4 الشهر منذ
Turkish President Erdogan: 'We are testing 33 different systems, including new domestic systems, in Efes-2024 exercise'
4 الشهر منذ
Turkish President Erdogan: No country targeted in Efes-2024 drill, it is peacekeeping exercise
Turkish intelligence's (MİT) UCAV targeted a vehicle belonging to YPG on Tal  Tamr - Hasakah road. It was claimed that 3 YPG members were killed in the incident4 الشهر منذ
Turkish intelligence's (MİT) UCAV targeted a vehicle belonging to YPG on Tal Tamr - Hasakah road. It was claimed that 3 YPG members were killed in the incident
4 الشهر منذ
President Erdogan slams UN, asking what good it is if it cannot stop genocide broadcast live in 21st century
4 الشهر منذ
President Erdogan on Israel's aggression in Gaza: When will the global Islamic community safeguard rights, lives, and dignity of Palestinian brothers and sisters
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Turkish President Erdogan: When will the Organization of Islamic Cooperation implement effective, preventative policy to stop Israel's 'genocide'
4 الشهر منذ
This 'genocide, atrocity and barbarism' must be stopped by a united alliance of humanity before Netanyahu and his murderer network spiral out of control: Erdogan says
4 الشهر منذ
Democracy, human rights, freedom of speech and press, women's and children's rights also die as humanity dies in Gaza, President Erdogan says
4 الشهر منذ
Turkish President Erdogan says no country is safe unless Israel is made to abide by international law
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'Don't you have even a sliver of conscience? No religion on the globe can justify this massacre,' Turkish President Erdogan says, citing Israel's Sunday attack on Rafah
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President Erdogan on Israel's Rafah attack: US hands also stained with blood from this massacre
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الرئيس التركي يقول إن روح الأمم المتحدة ماتت في قطاع غزة
4 الشهر منذ
صورة تظاهرة في اسطنبول التركية، تنديدًا بمجزرة الاحتلاال في رفح