7 يوليو 2024
7 الشهر منذ
President Erdogan on Gaza: We are trying to do something to stop this bleeding wound. If the USA starts to share this feeling, it will be easier to stop Israel
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President Erdoğan on Riyadh Summit: The decisions that will come out of this summit, where the countries of the region and the Islamic world are represented, will be a big step to stop Israel's oppression."
7 الشهر منذ
President Erdoğan: "As Turkey, we are trying to keep all international platforms active and functioning. We are using the possibilities of diplomacy to the fullest to ensure a ceasefire."
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الرئاسة التركية: أردوغان بحث مع الرئيس الإيراني الأزمة الإنسانية بغزة
8 الشهر منذ
Turkish President Erdoğan:"So far, we have shipped 10 plane loads of humanitarian aid materials exceeding 230 tons to El-Arish Airport with the support of our Egyptian brothers."
Türkiye's President Erdogan was greeted by President of Uzbekistan Mirziyoyevn Before the summit, the leaders met for a family photo. The 16th Summit of the Economic Cooperation Organization held in Tashkent, the capital of Uzbekistan, attended by President Erdogan, has started8 الشهر منذ
Türkiye's President Erdogan was greeted by President of Uzbekistan Mirziyoyevn Before the summit, the leaders met for a family photo. The 16th Summit of the Economic Cooperation Organization held in Tashkent, the capital of Uzbekistan, attended by President Erdogan, has started
8 الشهر منذ
Earthquake of magnitude 4.7 - 12 km NNE of Kırıkhan, Turkey
4.2 Magnitude Earthquake occurred in the Marmara Sea (EMSC)8 الشهر منذ
4.2 Magnitude Earthquake occurred in the Marmara Sea (EMSC)
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In his meeting today with his Turkish counterpart, Secretary of State Blinken "discussed the Israel-Hamas conflict, including the need to prevent the spread of conflict throughout the region."
Turkish artillery shelling on the village of Koherzi, located in Amedi district north of Duhok8 الشهر منذ
Turkish artillery shelling on the village of Koherzi, located in Amedi district north of Duhok
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بلينكن: قلقون من العدد الكبير للضحايا المدنيين في غزة وتحدثنا مع إسرائيل حول ذلك
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@SecBlinken says had a good, lengthy productive conversation with Turkey’s foreign minister Fidan
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Turkish Foreign Minister Hakan Fidan met with his American counterpart Blinken, who is visiting Turkey
Turkish police firing tear gas to disperse pro-Palestinian protesters near İncirlik air base near Adana, Turkey; base houses U.S. troops8 الشهر منذ
Turkish police firing tear gas to disperse pro-Palestinian protesters near İncirlik air base near Adana, Turkey; base houses U.S. troops
More and more protestors are reaching the demonstration area in front of Incirlik US base in Turkey. Those who seek to storm the base continue to charge through a field towards the gates8 الشهر منذ
More and more protestors are reaching the demonstration area in front of Incirlik US base in Turkey. Those who seek to storm the base continue to charge through a field towards the gates
What was supposed to be a protest quickly turned into a riot & the riot turned into attempts to storm the Front Gates of Incirlik US Base. Turkish riot police is currently clashing with rioters - teargas and water cannons are used to fend of the rioters.Currently thousands of vehicles and tens of thousands of people are on their way to Incirlik US base in Turkey to besiege it8 الشهر منذ
What was supposed to be a protest quickly turned into a riot & the riot turned into attempts to storm the Front Gates of Incirlik US Base. Turkish riot police is currently clashing with rioters - teargas and water cannons are used to fend of the rioters.Currently thousands of vehicles and tens of thousands of people are on their way to Incirlik US base in Turkey to besiege it
الخارجية الإسرائيلية: استدعاء تركيا لسفيرها يمثل خطوة أخرى من أنقرة للوقوف إلى جانب حركة حماس
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الخارجية التركية: استدعاء سفيرنا لدى تل أبيب إلى أنقرة لعدم استجابة الجانب الإسرائيلي لمطالب وقف إطلاق النار
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Erdogan says Netanyahu isn’t someone he can continue to contact, “we wiped him out” he said
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الرئيس التركي: سندعم صيغ إحلال السلام إقليميا وليس تلك التي تمحو الفلسطينيين تدريجيا من التاريخ
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الرئيس التركي: الأولوية اليوم تتمثل في فرض وقف إطلاق نار شامل في قطاع غزة
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Tirbespî: Turkish forces targeted this morning the village of Malabas, which is inhabited by the Syriac population and the vicinity of the Yazidi village of Tal Khatoun, without causing any casualties
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The Iranian Foreign Minister in Turkey: If the Israeli attacks on Gaza continue, the consequences will be severe
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وزير الخارجية التركي: لا يمكنك استخدام معايير مزدوجة تجاه أوكرانيا وفلسطين؛ إذا لم تتوقف الهجمات الإسرائيلية فإن الحرب سوف تتوسع. نحن نسعى للتعاون مع الاتحاد الأوروبي، لكنهم ضد وقف إطلاق النار. إنهم يقفون إلى جانب إسرائيل والولايات المتحدة ويريدون استمرار الهجمات الإسرائيلية
Türkiye submitted a mediation offer to resolve the disputes between the House of Representatives in the city of Tobruk in the east of Libya and the Supreme Council of State based in Tripoli.The opening of the Turkish consulate in Benghazi is also expected8 الشهر منذ
Türkiye submitted a mediation offer to resolve the disputes between the House of Representatives in the city of Tobruk in the east of Libya and the Supreme Council of State based in Tripoli.The opening of the Turkish consulate in Benghazi is also expected
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وزير خارجية إيران: إسرائيل ترتكب جرائم حرب في غزة
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التلفزيون الفلسطيني: خروج مستشفى الصداقة التركي لمرضى السرطان في غزة عن الخدمة
Turkish Foreign Minister Hakan Fidan met with Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian8 الشهر منذ
Turkish Foreign Minister Hakan Fidan met with Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian
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Turkish Minister of Health, Fahrettin Koca: We have made all preparations to establish 20 field hospitals both in the area near the Rafah border crossing and at El Arish Airport. We are waiting for security and permits to be granted
An explosion near a village in the countryside of the city of Sere Kaniye (Ras al-Ain), northeastern Syria, results in the death of a child and the injury of his brother and father