بيان تركي سعودي مشترك: أنقرة والرياض تؤكدان العزم المتبادل لبدء مرحلة تعاون جديدة
2 سنة منذAir Tractor AT-802 firefighting aircraft intervened in the forest fire in Bördübet, Marmaris.
5x Turkish UAVs circling over #Syria
2 سنة منذالقوات التركية تقصف قرى الكوزليه و أم_الكيف شمال ناحية تل_تمر بريف الحسكة الشمالي الغربي، ما أدى الى خروج محطة كهرباء تل تمر عن الخدمة نتيجة استهداف الخطوط الكهربائية المغذية لها
قصف مدفعي مكثّف للجيش التركي يستهدف قرية "أم الكيف" بريف الحسكة الشمالي.
North Press reporter cited a military source as saying: Turkish forces bomb the town of Tel Rifaat and villages in the northern countryside of Aleppo
2 سنة منذTAF helicopters were seen in Atme town in the north of Idlib. It was determined that the helicopters moved to the base area
يقول رئيس صناعة الدفاع التركية إسماعيل دمير في مقابلة مع وول ستريت جورنال إن تركيا "أكثر حرصًا" بشأن بيع الأسلحة إلى أوكرانيا ، "يجب أن نكون قادرين على التحدث إلى كلا الجانبين" ، كما يقول دمير بشأن الصراع بين روسيا وأوكرانيا
Presidential Spokesperson İbrahim Kalın said in a statement after the meeting with Turkey, Finland and Sweden in Belgium, "Terrorist organizations such as PKK and FETO must end their activities in Sweden and Finland."
Israel PM Bennett: Operational efforts in Turkey thwarted a number of planned attacks against Israelis, several militants arrested. Bennett: Working with the Turks to prevent further attack against Israelis. I want to thank Erdogan and his people for their efforts
Defense Minister Gantz in the Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee on the warnings of terrorist attacks in Turkey: We have prepared powerful responses in case they need to be activated in all sorts of places. Injury to Israeli citizens will lead us to activate them
President Erdogan blames countries which host 'few hundred refugees' and use them for 'advertising' but do not take any responsibility in face of deepening humanitarian crisis
2 سنة منذThree suspects linked to the Daesh/ISIS terror group were arrested in the Turkish capital Ankara
The Finnish president's office says talks between Finland, Sweden and Turkey aimed at resolving a block on the Nordic nations' bids for NATO membership will continue Monday in Brussels
Marae: Warplanes over the Turkish-controlled town of Marae
Artillery batteries of the TAF are hitting the south of Mare
Israeli Mossad believes Iran plans significant attacks in Istanbul this weekend and that the Iranian operation is already under way, with attacks possible within hours, including against tourists within their hotel rooms - @N12News
إقليم كردستان: 4 قتلى من حزب العمال الكردستاني جراء قصف تركي في السليمانية
Four died and one was injured when a Turkish drone attacked a car belonging to the Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK) near Kalar's silo, said the Directorate General of Counter Terrorism (CTD) of the Kurdistan Region's Security Council (KRSC) in a statement
North Press reporter quoting a military source: Turkish forces and the SNA factions bomb the village of Jub Makhzoum, west of Manbij, with heavy and medium weapons
2 سنة منذGreek and Turkish defence ministers at NATO defence ministers meeting
2 سنة منذThe @coalition captures a bomb maker and terror facilitator who became one of the top leaders of daesh's Syrian branch
المدفعية التركية تقصف مواقع ميلشيات قسد على منطقة خط الساجور غرب مدينة منبج.
2 سنة منذTurkish President Erdogan at AK Party meeting: - We're aware of games being played against us with Greece - We'll approve Sweden, Finland's NATO bids once they rid of PKK militants - We're faced with same issue in some EU countries with PKK militants marching on their streets
Turkey says it expects Sweden and Finland's responses on Ankara's security concerns in a written form
الكرملين: العملية العسكرية التركية في سوريا لن تجلب الاستقرار
Erdogan says Turkey's national carrier will use Türkiye Havayolları instead of Turkish Airlines on its planes from now on
In operations from the capital Ankara to Mersin, Turkish security forces arrest members of the FETÖ group involved in fraud and infiltration of the army
رئيس الوزراء الأرميني للجزيرة: الحوار مع تركيا أمر إيجابي للغاية ونأمل أن نحقق من خلاله نتائج ملموسة
Israel urges nationals to leave Turkey immediately over Iran attack threat