4 Ekim 2024
11 ay önce
Aleppo Today correspondent: Walid Mersal, head of the intelligence department in the town of Ghandoura, was injured, and another member of the police forces was injured after an explosive device exploded in their car on the outskirts of the town of Ghandourah, east of Aleppo.
Suriye kuzeyinde Kobani batısındaki Ziyaret hattında bulunan terör mevzileri topçu ateşleriyle vuruldu.Terrorist positions on the Visit Line west of Kobani in northern Syria were hit by artillery fire
11 ay önce
Turkish Foreign Minister: We reject the exodus of Palestinians to Egypt and stand with Cairo in this regard
11 ay önce
Earthquake of magnitude 4.7 - 18 km NNE of Bolu, Turkey
11 ay önce
Erdogan: There is no way to bring peace to the Middle East except through establishing a Palestinian state on the 1967 borders
11 ay önce
Turkey says Israel’s call to relocate Palestinians to south of Gaza within 24 hours is “in no way acceptable”; - “The forcing of the 2.5 million people of Gaza, who have been subjected to indiscriminate bombing for days and who have been deprived of electricity, water and food, to migrate in an extremely limited area is a clear violation of international law and has no place in humanity.”; - “We expect Israel to immediately reverse this grave mistake and immediately end its brutal and wholesale actions against the civilian population in Gaza.” — Turkey’s MFA
11 ay önce
The Turkish airforce has carried out an airstrike on Makhmour refugee camp in Iraq, elderly woman has been injured
11 ay önce
Reuters, citing the Turkish Foreign Ministry: The Turkish Foreign Minister discusses with the UAE Foreign Minister the humanitarian situation in Gaza
The President of the UAE and his Turkish counterpart discuss by telephone intensifying efforts to open safe corridors to ensure the arrival of humanitarian aid into Gaza
11 ay önce
In the statement made by the Turkish Ministry of National Defense, it was announced that the the Turkish UAV that shot down by US in Syria took off from Jordan
Turkish bombing the Al-Shahba areas in Afrin countryside with heavy weapons at this time
According to local sources, this evening, a Turkish citizen was killed by a gunman affiliated with the PKK in the Sangasar district of Rania, within the Sulaymaniyah province. He had been working in a salon in the city of Sulaymaniyah.11 ay önce
According to local sources, this evening, a Turkish citizen was killed by a gunman affiliated with the PKK in the Sangasar district of Rania, within the Sulaymaniyah province. He had been working in a salon in the city of Sulaymaniyah."
11 ay önce
Erdogan meets with Hamas officials in Ankara and discusses with them the file of Israeli prisoners held by the movement
11 ay önce
Erdogan informs the Saudi Crown Prince that Ankara has begun working to send aid to Palestinian civilians in Gaza
11 ay önce
Cumhurbaşkanı Erdoğan, Ürdün Kralı 2. Abdullah ile telefonda görüştü. Görüşmede, İsrail-Filistin çatışması ve bölgedeki insani sorunların çözümü için yapılabilecekler ele alındı
11 ay önce
Cumhurbaşkanı Erdoğan: "İsrail, devlet gibi değil örgüt gibi davranırsa, sonunda örgüt gibi muamele görmeye başlayacağını unutmamalıdır."
11 ay önce
Cumhurbaşkanı Erdoğan: "İnsani yardımların kesilmesi gibi Filistin halkını topyekun cezalandırmayı amaçlayan fevri kararlardan herkes uzak durmalıdır."
11 ay önce
Erdogan: Any war that depends on cutting off water, electricity, and roads, and destroying infrastructure, places of worship, and schools is called massacres
11 ay önce
A Turkish army plane targets the village of Fajjah in Al_Hol region, South of Hassaka
11 ay önce
Cumhurbaşkanı Erdoğan:"Bir süredir yürüttüğümüz yoğun hava operasyonlarını; daha da artırarak, terör örgütü mensuplarını her an, her yerde imha edeceğimizi göstererek sürdüreceğiz"
12 ay önce
Turkish Pegasus Airlines suspends its flights to Israel until further notice
12 ay önce
Egyptian Presidency: Sisi and Erdogan urge Hamas and Israel to end the violence immediately and protect civilians
12 ay önce
Erdogan: Peace cannot be restored in the region unless a free, sovereign Palestinian state is established
Two people were killed and three were injured including a child, after an IED exploded in the city of Jarablus, east of Syria’s Aleppo
12 ay önce
Two children have been killed in a Turkish shelling of the village of al-Mastoura near the town of Ain Issa, northern Raqqa, northern Syria
SDF announces the killing of 29 members of its forces and the wounding of 28 others by Turkish bombing of their positions in northern and eastern Syria.12 ay önce
SDF announces the killing of 29 members of its forces and the wounding of 28 others by Turkish bombing of their positions in northern and eastern Syria.
Hundreds of residents of the city of Qamishli, northeast Syria, protest in front of the Russian base on the western outskirts of the city to condemn the recent Turkish attacks in the region
12 ay önce
Turkish warplanes bombed the Internal Security Academy of the Autonomous Administration in northeastern Syria, casualties feared
Turkish strikes targeted Dêrik, Tirbespiyê, Manbej, Tal Tamer and Tal Rafaat. Many casualties arrived Dêrik hospital
12 ay önce
Turkey targets the village of Quran and post of government forces in Tel Sha’ir in Syria’s Kobani