The Turkish army managed to destroy a military vehicle of the SDF militia on the Mara'anaz axis in the northern countryside of Aleppo.
Manbij Military Council: Two civilians lost their lives in a Turkish missile attack on the village of Arab Hassan, north of Manbij, northern Syria
5 members of the Turkish-backed Syrian opposition forces were killed on the Basoufan axis after their car was targeted by a missile directed by the "SDF" forces, south of Afrin, north of Aleppo
2 Rok PredSecretary Antony Blinken:Met with Finnish and Swedish Foreign Ministers @Haavisto and @AnnLinde to commend their trilateral agreement with Turkey and reiterate our strong support for their NATO accession. We also reaffirmed the need for robust assistance to Ukraine against the Kremlin's brutal war
Pentagon official: US supports modernization of Turkey's F16 fleet
North Press correspondent citing military source as saying: Turkish forces are shelling the village of Ibbin in Aleppo northern countryside
Turecko žiada o vydanie 33 podozrivých z „teroru" z Fínska a Švédska na základe dohody NATO: minister spravodlivosti
Turkish Ministry of Defense: Neutralizing two members of the Syrian Democratic Forces who tried to attack the "Euphrates Shield" area
"In light of the progress we have made together, Turkey has agreed to support Finland & Sweden joining NATO" per @NATO's @jensstoltenberg
This includes further amending their domestic legislation, cracking down on PKK activities & entering into an agreement with Turkey on extradition" per @NATO's @jensstoltenberg
The newly signed memorandum "addresses Turkey's concerns around arms exports & the fight against terrorism" per @NATO's @jensstoltenberg. "No ally has suffered more brutal terrorist attacks than Turkey, including from the terrorist group PKK"
The leaders of Turkey, Sweden & Finland have just signed a memorandum for the two Nordic states to join NATO, removing a Turkish block to the accession process, a source said. "It's a three-way agreement on accession," the source said. @jensstoltenberg to make statement
2 Rok PredTurecko súhlasilo s prijatím Švédska a Fínska do NATO, uviedla turecká prezidentská administratíva.
Turkish forces 'neutralize' four PKK militants in northern Iraq
2 Rok PredWhite House readout of Biden's call with Turkey's Erdogan ahead of their meeting at the NATO summit in Madrid
2 Rok PredTurkish forces target SDF militias in the village of Tal Qarah in the northern countryside of Aleppo.
According to SOHR, the drone strike near Derik killed one
President Erdoğan at NATO Summit: We had a meeting with Mr. Biden this morning. He expressed his desire to meet again this evening or tomorrow. We said 'maybe'
In Dêrik, two vehicles were attacked by Turkish drones in the village of Piransharser. The destroyed vehicles are a truck and a car. Initial reports speak of several injured. On Monday, a person was injured in a Turkish drone attack in TilTamir
2 Rok PredFor the first time, Djibouti officially showcases the Turkish-made Bayraktar TB-2 drones during yesterday's military parade for the East African country's 45th independence anniversary. Turkey's Bayraktar drones used in Syria, Libya, Ukraine and Ethiopia's Tigray war
2 Rok Pred4,500 hectares of forest burned in wildfires in Marmaris
Iran's foreign minister signaled on Monday that Tehran would not oppose a new proposed Turkish military operation targeting outlawed Kurdish militants in Syria
2 Rok PredBaykar poskytne Ukrajine 3 bezpilotné lietadlá TB2 zadarmo a žiada o minúť peniaze, ktoré ukrajinský ľud vyzbiera na iné potreby
2 Rok PredLídri Turecka, Fínska a Švédska prijali ponuku šéfa NATO Stoltenberga stretnúť sa zajtra v Madride, hovorí. Švédsky premiér Andersson sa s ním dnes stretol v ústredí NATO. Napriek tomu Stoltenberg hovorí, že "nebude robiť žiadne sľuby" Ankarský blok môže byť vyriešený tento týždeň
Russia and Turkey conduct the 104th joint patrol west of Syria's Kobani
NATO Secretary General: We are working to address Turkey's concerns about the accession of Finland and Sweden
2 Rok PredToday again police raids and mass arrests against the left-wing opposition party HDP, 35 arrests in Adana. Those affected report police violence and injuries. Turkey
According to local media Turkey releases names of 45 individuals requested to be extradited from Finland and Sweden due to links with PKK and Gulen movement
Turkish Presidency: We are ready for a new military operation in northern Syria, and it may start at any moment
Turkey police break up Istanbul Pride march, detain dozens including AFP photographer