29 Juni 2024
2 månad sedan
The Turkish Ministry of Defense announces the neutralization of four YPG members in the Euphrates Shield area in northern Syria
2 månad sedan
Turkish President: Netanyahu is trying to prolong the war to remain in power
2 månad sedan
Israel will pay price for oppression, all means must be mobilized for cease-fire in Gaza, including UNSC decision, Turkish President Erdogan tells Palestinian counterpart
2 månad sedan
Number of journalists, including from TRT Arabic channel, injured in Israeli bombing of Nuseirat camp in central Gaza Strip
Turkish forces on Friday conducted strikes on alleged PKK bases at the Mateen mountain range of Duhok’s Amedi district2 månad sedan
Turkish forces on Friday conducted strikes on alleged PKK bases at the Mateen mountain range of Duhok’s Amedi district
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TSK airstrikes in Hakurk
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Turkey’s Fidan calls Hamas leader Haniyeh to offer his condolences over “the suicide attack” of his three sonds and grandsons as a result of an Israeli attack: Diplomatic sources
2 månad sedan
President Erdoğan talked on the phone with Algerian President Tebbun
Israel says it will contact organisations and states in the US to pull their investments from Turkey and prevent the import of products from Turkey. “and ask our friends in the American Congress to examine the violation of the boycott laws and impose sanctions on Turkey accordingly.”
Israeli Foreign Minister: Erdogan sacrifices Türkiye's economic interests in order to support Hamas
2 månad sedan
Turkey restricts the export of some products to Israel over the invasion of Gaza, including aluminium, steel, cement, and chemical pesticides as of today
2 månad sedan
4 PKK militants detected in the Metina region in northern Iraq were neutralized by an air operation.
SDF spox claims Turkey planning an operation in the area between Tal Abyad and Jarabulus, in order to get closer to Kobani
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Feds investigating upgrades NYC Mayor Eric Adams received on flights to Turkey - NYT
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Turkish Ministry of National Defense: 6 PKK militants were neutralized in Metina and Gara regions in northern Iraq
2 månad sedan
The Turkish Ministry of Defense announces the "neutralization" of 4 members of the PKK and YPG in the "Euphrates Shield" area in northern Syria
2 månad sedan
TSK airstrikes in Akre and Metina and Hakurk and Qandil and Amadiya
2 månad sedan
4 PKK/YPG militants detected in the Euphrates Shield region in northern Syria were neutralized
2 månad sedan
Turkey revokes visa exemption for Tajikistan citizens following the Moscow attack and church attack in Istanbul earlier this year.
2 månad sedan
Turkish warplanes hit PKK targets in Bole and Berbazin regions in northern Iraq
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Lukasjenka gick med på att lägga fram ett lagförslag till parlamentet om att upphäva CFE-fördraget
2 månad sedan
Turkiets president Erdogan undertecknade i fredags en lag som upphäver Ankaras skyldigheter enligt fördraget om konventionella väpnade styrkor i Europa (CFE-fördraget). Lagen träder i kraft den 8 april
2 månad sedan
Speaking at the public meeting of Çankaya Mayor Hüseyin Can, the Teachers' Union stated that the education workers working in Çankaya Houses are working 30 hours a week for minimum wage. "Let exploitation by subcontractors end."
2 månad sedan
Turkish Interior Minister: 8 suspects arrested for working for Israeli intelligence
Turkish Intelligence 'neutralizes' Sorhin Cele, a senior operative of PKK/YPG-YPJ organization, in Ayn al-Arab, Syria
2 månad sedan
Turkish Foreign Ministry: Türkiye condemns the Israeli attack on the Iranian embassy complex in Damascus and fears that it will lead to a regional conflict
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Turkey's election board in the city of Van denies mandate to recently elected pro-Kurdish mayor Abdullah Zeydan over a court ruling which suggests he doesn't qualify to run for an election. The board instead assigns the ruling AKP candidate
The Turkish government bombed a citizen's house in Serdeşt, Mount Shengal2 månad sedan
The Turkish government bombed a citizen's house in Serdeşt, Mount Shengal
2 månad sedan
Turkish Ministry of National Defense: 5 PKK militants detected in the Hakurk region in northern Iraq were neutralized by our Air Force.
2 månad sedan
Ekrem İmamoğlu: Tonight, Istanbul has spoken clearly: our collective desire for democracy shines brighter than ever, marking a pivotal step towards unity and the end of polarization. At a time when the world witnesses a retreat from democratic values, our city stands as a beacon of hope and change.