4 Июль 2024
1 месяц назад
Turkish Ministry of Defense: 6 PKK militants detected in the Claw-Lock Operation region in northern Iraq were neutralized
1 месяц назад
Türkiye sending night vision search and rescue helicopter, 32 search, rescue mountaineers, 6 vehicles to assist Iran: Türkiye's Disaster Management Agency
1 месяц назад
Turkish Foreign Ministry: We are watching with sadness the Iranian President's helicopter accident
1 месяц назад
Erdoğan Summoned MİT President Kalın and Minister of Justice Tunç to Beştepe
1 месяц назад
Turkish bases target SDF positions with artillery in the town of Maranaz, south of the city of Azaz
1 месяц назад
Iraq mortar fire Akre and Amadiya and Hakurk
1 месяц назад
2 PKK militants, detected in the Metina region in northern Iraq, were neutralized with a UCAV. - Ministry of National Defense of Turkey
1 месяц назад
Turkish forces target villages in Manbij, northern Syria, with artillery
1 месяц назад
Iraq TSK airstrikes in Qandil
1 месяц назад
The Turkish Ministry of Defense announces the neutralization of 17 militants from the Kurdistan Workers' Party in operations in northern Syria and Iraq
1 месяц назад
Israeli Foreign Minister: Türkiye has lifted many trade restrictions
1 месяц назад
Путин и Пашинян согласовали вывод российских военных и пограничников из ряда областей Армении, сообщил Песков. При этом по просьбе армянской стороны российские пограничники останутся на границе с Ираном и с Турцией.
1 месяц назад
The Turkish Ministry of Defense announces the neutralization of 4 YPG members who opened fire on the Euphrates Shield area in northern Syria.
1 месяц назад
Turkish police capture 57 suspects with alleged links to FETÖ in 12 cities, including Istanbul
1 месяц назад
Turkish Vice President: The Israeli operation in Rafah is a new war crime
1 месяц назад
The Turkish Ministry of Defense announces the neutralization of 7 PKK members who were preparing to launch an attack in the Olive Branch and Euphrates Shield areas in the Aleppo countryside.
1 месяц назад
The Turkish Presidency: We believe that an independent Palestinian state is the key to peace
2 месяц назад
The Turkish Ministry of Defense announces the "neutralization" of 3 PKK members in the Pençe Kilit area in northern Iraq and a YPG member in the Euphrates Shield area in northern Syria.
2 месяц назад
Turkish bombing renewed on SDF positions in Maranaz and the vicinity of Tal Rifaat, north of Aleppo
2 месяц назад
Şehba: Local Source: Afrin Liberation Forces (HRE) shot down a Turkish drone in Deir Qaq village, Şehba canton
2 месяц назад
Heavy Turkish artillery shelling targets SDF positions on the Maranaz axis, south of the city of Azaz in the Aleppo countryside
2 месяц назад
Turkish Ministry of National Defense announced that 6 PKK militants were neutralized in the Claw-Lock Operation region in northern Iraq.
2 месяц назад
Turkish Armed Forces artillery units are hitting YPG positions in Muhsinli, Arab Hasan and Cerada villages in the west of Manbij.
2 месяц назад
Turkey bans Israeli goods, stepping up the pressure on Israel amid the ongoing war in Gaza
2 месяц назад
Manbij Military Council: Turkish forces target with artillery populated villages in the northern countryside of Manbij, north Syria
2 месяц назад
The Turkish Ministry of Defense announces the "neutralization" of 3 people from the PKK/YPG organization in the Euphrates Shield operations area in northern Syria.
Three people were killed when Khor Mor gas field in Sulaimani province came under a drone attack on Friday evening. The attack also affected power generation in the Kurdistan Region
2 месяц назад
President Erdoğan postponed his planned visit to the White House on May 9. - Official
2 месяц назад
The Turkish President: Anyone who criticizes Israel is accused of being anti-Semitic, but we will not yield to this type of threat
2 месяц назад
Turkish President Erdogan: “The butcher Netanyahu has to be brought to justice.” “Right now our people are engaged in a joint effort with South Africa at the International Court of Justice.”