6 Јули 2024
3 месец Пре
2 PKK militants, who escaped from their shelters in northern Iraq, surrendered to the border post in Habur.
Israeli PM Netanyahu responds to Turkish President Erdogan comparing Netanyahu to Hitler: we don’t take morality advice from Erdogan. He supports Hamas killers & rapers. He persecutes the Kurds in his own country. We follow the laws of warfare
3 месец Пре
Turkish Armed Forces artillery units are hitting SDF positions in Samuke village, west of Al Bab.
3 месец Пре
Erdogan: The Security Council and the nature of the world order is one of the reasons behind the massacre of Gaza children
4 месец Пре
Турски председник: Снажно ћемо допринети обнови Украјине након завршетка рата
4 месец Пре
Турски председник: Спремни смо да будемо домаћини мировног самита Украјине и Русије
Erdogan says March municipal race is his last election ever. “This is a final for me, this election is my last with the authority given by the law, the result will be the transfer of a confidence to my brothers who will come after me.4 месец Пре
Erdogan says March municipal race is his last election ever. “This is a final for me, this election is my last with the authority given by the law, the result will be the transfer of a confidence to my brothers who will come after me."
4 месец Пре
У Истанбулу је завршен састанак Ердогана и Зеленског. Присутни су министар одбране Гулер, министар трговине Болат, шеф турске обавештајне службе Калин, директор комуникација Алтун и главни саветник Килић
4 месец Пре
3 PKK militants who attempted to infiltrate the Euphrates Shield Operation region in Syria were neutralized
4 месец Пре
Украјински председник Зеленски посетиће Турску у петак, најављује турско председништво
Turkey’s Fidan says Cyprus turned into a weapons and ammunition logistical base for Israel
Iran and Turkiye FMs met in Jeddah on the sideline of the OIC meeting on Gaza4 месец Пре
Iran and Turkiye FMs met in Jeddah on the sideline of the OIC meeting on Gaza
4 месец Пре
Turkish drones target SDF positions in the village of Alqamiyah in the northern countryside of Aleppo
4 месец Пре
Turkish airstrikes in Amadiya and Hakurk and Akre
4 месец Пре
Turkish Armed Forces hit the YPG targets in Soğanka village in Tel Rifat countryside with artillery fire
A drone targeted a location in the center of Kalar city in Sulaymaniyah Governorate in Iraq, resulting in casualties according to reports
Ahrar al-Sham rebranded as Maghawir al-Sham officially joins Turkey-led SNA factions in northwest Syria4 месец Пре
Ahrar al-Sham rebranded as Maghawir al-Sham officially joins Turkey-led SNA factions in northwest Syria
4 месец Пре
Turkey’s Fidan meets Maduro in Caracas, Venezuela
4 месец Пре
TSK airstrikes in Akre and Hakurk and Metina
4 месец Пре
The Turkish Ministry of Defense announces the killing of 4 Kurdistan Workers' Party militants in northern Iraq
4 месец Пре
Somalia cabinet approves Defense and Economic Cooperation Agreement with Turkey, Wednesday. Under the agreement Turkey will build, train and equip Somali navy. The agreement also boosts martime resources and blue economy. Somalia PM @HamzaAbdiBarre said the agreement removes “any fears of terrorism, piracy, illegal fishing, toxic dumping and any external violations or threats” to Somalia’s sea. @HamzaAbdiBarre described Turkey as “true and reliable brother.”When faced with danger, Somalia is not alone and not with out a brother, @HamzaAbdiBarre said.The agreement was signed in Turkey on February 8
4 месец Пре
Turkish warplanes are hitting PKK targets in the Akre region of Duhok in northern Iraq. There are dead
Turkish FM meets with Falih Alfayyadh, Chairperson of al-Hashd al-Shaabi (PMF).Minister of Foreign Affairs @HakanFidan met with Falih Alfayyadh, Chairperson of al-Hashd al-Shaabi, in Ankara4 месец Пре
Turkish FM meets with Falih Alfayyadh, Chairperson of al-Hashd al-Shaabi (PMF).Minister of Foreign Affairs @HakanFidan met with Falih Alfayyadh, Chairperson of al-Hashd al-Shaabi, in Ankara
President Erdoğan met with Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev4 месец Пре
President Erdoğan met with Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev
The Public Prosecutor requested two aggravated life sentences for the 12 PKK militants who burned the Şile forests in Istanbul, and up to 61 years of imprisonment for the two defendants under the age of 18.4 месец Пре
The Public Prosecutor requested two aggravated life sentences for the 12 PKK militants who burned the Şile forests in Istanbul, and up to 61 years of imprisonment for the two defendants under the age of 18.
4 месец Пре
President Erdoğan is welcomed by Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi with an official ceremony in Cairo
4 месец Пре
TSK airstrikes in Akre and Metina and Hakurk
4 месец Пре
Erdogan: There is no solution to the Palestine issue without the establishment of an independent state on the 1967 borders
4 месец Пре
Erdogan: Türkiye has achieved economic growth despite the negative developments in our surroundings
4 месец Пре
A Turkish drone targets the center of Qamishlo city