5 Iulie 2024
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The Russian Foreign Ministry: The meeting of the military delegations of Syria, Turkey and Russia will be held in February
Distrugatorul de rachete ghidate de clasa Arleigh Burke de la USNavy USS Nitze, atașat la @GHWBCVN77, vizitează Istanbulul înainte de a merge la comandamentul marinei turcești la Gölcük pentru o escală în port. În ultimele 5 luni, USS George HW Bush a rămas în Marea Mediterană pe fondul invaziei Rusiei asupra Ucrainei1 an înapoi
Distrugatorul de rachete ghidate de clasa Arleigh Burke de la USNavy USS Nitze, atașat la @GHWBCVN77, vizitează Istanbulul înainte de a merge la comandamentul marinei turcești la Gölcük pentru o escală în port. În ultimele 5 luni, USS George HW Bush a rămas în Marea Mediterană pe fondul invaziei Rusiei asupra Ucrainei
Since yesterday night Turkey-backed groups are shelling with heavy artillery Tal Rifaat town of Shahba region
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Reuters: "Eight rockets fired at Turkish base in Iraq - Kurdish security group"
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Al-Raqqa: Turkish artillery bombardment targets sites of the Syrian Democratic Forces in the villages of Saida and Restarat al-Nakhil in the northern countryside
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Turkey: 14 people with foreign nationalities were arrested on charges of belonging to ISIS in a security operation carried out by the Security Directorate in the capital, Ankara, according to Anadolu Agency
Turkish Minister of Defense: Our forces have responded as necessary to the sources of missile fire at the Bashiqa base in northern Iraq1 an înapoi
Turkish Minister of Defense: Our forces have responded as necessary to the sources of missile fire at the Bashiqa base in northern Iraq
The Turkish Ministry of Defense announces the neutralization of 3 members of the People's Protection Units YPG, which it said were preparing to carry out an operation in the Peace Spring area in northern Syria.1 an înapoi
The Turkish Ministry of Defense announces the neutralization of 3 members of the People's Protection Units YPG, which it said were preparing to carry out an operation in the Peace Spring area in northern Syria.
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Earthquake of magnitude 5.9 - 62 km SE of Lárdos, Greece
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Turkish Armed Forces and Russian Army conducted joint patrols in west Kobane
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Turkish Armed Forces hit the positions of YPG in the Meranaz, Harbul and Shehba dam areas on the Tel Rifat line with mortar and artillery fire.
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Turkish forces shell positions of the Pro-Assad forces forces at Jurin camp in al-Ghab Plain in western Hama
The Iraqi Foreign Ministry: 4 citizens were killed in Turkey and another was injured, as a result of a shooting accident at a car carrying them
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Earthquake of magnitude 5.0 - 32 km WNW of Míthymna, Greece
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Turkey's FM says that Turkey "expects" the US to approve the sale of F16s to Turkey. State Spox says the Biden admin supports the sale but adds that the sales process includes congress & congress has "strong opinions" on this, i.e. some members don't support the sale
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Putin a avut un telefon cu Erdogan, a discutat despre Ucraina și Siria
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O navă ucraineană care transporta mazăre a fost blocată în tranzit de la Pivdennyi la portul Mersin al Turciei
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Earthquake of magnitude 4.7 - 14 km NE of Doğanyol, Turkey
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Turkish Ministry of National Defense reported that 11 PKK/YPG militants attacking the Euphrates Shield and Olive Branch regions were neutralized.
Turkish forces bombed with more than 80 missiles and artillery shells military sites of the Pro-Assad forces and SDF in the areas of Ain Daqna, Baylouniyeh, Menagh Airport, Sheikh Issa, Baina, Abyan, Soghanka and Kafr Naseh, north of Aleppo1 an înapoi
Turkish forces bombed with more than 80 missiles and artillery shells military sites of the Pro-Assad forces and SDF in the areas of Ain Daqna, Baylouniyeh, Menagh Airport, Sheikh Issa, Baina, Abyan, Soghanka and Kafr Naseh, north of Aleppo
A treia rundă de negocieri între Ucraina și Federația Rusă privind schimbul de prizonieri de război și eliberarea ostaticilor civili a avut loc astăzi în Turcia1 an înapoi
A treia rundă de negocieri între Ucraina și Federația Rusă privind schimbul de prizonieri de război și eliberarea ostaticilor civili a avut loc astăzi în Turcia
Dead and wounded in the ranks of the SDF forces as a result of an air strike by the Turkish drones targeting a military site belonging to them south of the city of Amuda, north of Al-Hasakah
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3 SAA officers killed as a result of the Turkish bombing south to Afrin
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Pages loyal to the Assad government announce the killing of Brigadier General Ammar Jawdat Tishuri, Republican Guard, in a Turkish bombardment of the village of Mayasa in the Afrin countryside in the northern countryside of Aleppo
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Injuries among Assad's forces soldiers in a Turkish bombardment targeting military points of the Assad government in the village of Mayasa, southeast of Afrin, in the countryside of Aleppo, Syria
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TAF artillery units hit the joint centers of the YPG and the Assad government in the village of Miyase in the south of Afrin.
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Comisarul rus pentru drepturile omului: Am făcut propuneri importante privind încetarea focului în timpul întâlnirilor mele cu colegii mei ucraineni și turci
Reuters, according to a Turkish official: Discussions are continuing to hold a meeting between the foreign ministers of Turkey, Russia and the Assad government, and there are no problems, and work is being done on the timing.1 an înapoi
Reuters, according to a Turkish official: Discussions are continuing to hold a meeting between the foreign ministers of Turkey, Russia and the Assad government, and there are no problems, and work is being done on the timing.
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Al-Hasakah: Syrian Democratic Forces killed and wounded by Turkish drone strikes targeting a car on the Qamishli-Al-Hasakah road
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There were deaths and injuries among the SDF forces, including military commanders, as a result of an air strike by the Turkish drones that targeted a military vehicle on the M4 international road that connects the cities of Qamishli and Al-Hasakah