5 Outubro 2024
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Um cidadão russo que cometeu um carro-bomba em Moscou foi detido na Turquia, disse o chefe do Ministério de Assuntos Internos.
The Government of the Republic of Somaliland vehemently rejects any potential deployment of Turkish naval forces within Somaliland’s recognized maritime zones
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Pro-Assad forces targeted with a suicide drone the vicinity of the Turkish point in the village of Kadoura, south of Idlib, without causing any casualties
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Turkey returns $5bn it took from Saudi Arabia for its Central Bank coffers in 2023 after rapid build up in its reserves in recent months, the bank announces
Turkish army reportedly targeted area of Saraqeb with artillery strikes in retaliation for the attack carried out by pro-Assad forces against the Turkish position in Nayrab (SE. Idlib)
Pro-Assad forces bombed area of Turkish army position with heavy artillery in outskirts of Nayrab (SE. Idlib). Military point was apparently hit
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The UN envoy: Syrian refugees must be protected in host countries amid the "worrying developments" they face
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A source in the Turkish Ministry of Defense: Studies on establishing a coordination center for joint operations with Iraq are continuing
The Greek-Cypriot president Nikos Christodoulides said that reunification is the only path forward, 50 years after Turkish troops invaded and left the island divided2 mês atrás
The Greek-Cypriot president Nikos Christodoulides said that reunification is the only path forward, 50 years after Turkish troops invaded and left the island divided
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Cypriot leader says no option but reunification, 50 years after Turkey invasion
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A Turkish air raid targeted an SDF position on the outskirts of the city of Qamishli in the Hasakah countryside
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Turkey says Israeli Parliament’s resolution that rejects the establishment of a State of Israel disregards international law and it is “null and void.” “The establishment of an independent, sovereign and geographically integrated State of Palestine within the 1967 borders, with East Jerusalem as its capital, is a requirement of international law.”
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Turkish Defense Ministry: 72 members of the Kurdistan Workers' Party were killed within a week in strikes in Iraq and Syria
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The Turkish Ministry of Defense announces the killing of 8 members of the Kurdistan Workers' Party; After they were spotted in the "Hakurk" and "Kara" regions in northern Iraq.
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Turkish Armed Forces hit the YPG targets in the Meranaz village on the Tel Rifat line with artillery fire.
TSK airstrikes in Amadiya and Bradost
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Turkish artillery fire in Akre and Metina
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Turkish Ministry of Defense: 7 militants were neutralized in the north of Syria and Iraq
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Turkish Armed Forces artillery units are hitting YPG targets in the Shahbe region west of Al Bab
Saipem is progressing its pipelay activities on state-owned Turkish Petroleum's  $3.6 billion Sakarya gas project in the Black Sea. Castoro 10 lay barge was towed thru Bosphorus en route to offshore Filyos2 mês atrás
Saipem is progressing its pipelay activities on state-owned Turkish Petroleum's $3.6 billion Sakarya gas project in the Black Sea. Castoro 10 lay barge was towed thru Bosphorus en route to offshore Filyos
2 mês atrás
Turkish warplanes hit PKK targets in the Belava and Guherze regions of Duhok in northern Iraq
Bashar Assad: Reaching normal relations with Türkiye in the presence of occupation troops in the north is impossible
Bashar al-Assad: The problem is not the meeting with the Turkish president, but rather the content of the meeting. We did not even hear what the purpose of the meeting was
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Turkish Ministry of National Defense reported that 17 PKK/YPG militants were neutralized in the north of Iraq and Syria.
The Amediye area, one of the most tourist areas in Iraqi Kurdistan, is under bombardment by the Turkish army.2 mês atrás
The Amediye area, one of the most tourist areas in Iraqi Kurdistan, is under bombardment by the Turkish army.
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Turkish Armed Forces artillery units are hitting PKK positions in Tel Jijan and Tell Unayb villages west of Al Bab
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Turkish Foreign Minister: The international community must put pressure on Israel to stop the war
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The Turkish Foreign Minister in a press conference with his Saudi counterpart: The Netanyahu government is not interested in a ceasefire in Gaza
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A large number of weapons and ammunition were seized in 2 caves detected in the Claw-Lock Operation region in northern Iraq.
2 mês atrás
The Turkish Ministry of Defense announces the killing of 9 members of the Kurdistan Workers' Party, and the seizure of weapons and ammunition as part of the "Claw-Lock" operation.