6 Juli 2024
Dead and wounded in the ranks of the SDF forces as a result of an air strike by the Turkish drones targeting a military site belonging to them south of the city of Amuda, north of Al-Hasakah
1 jaar geleden
3 SAA officers killed as a result of the Turkish bombing south to Afrin
1 jaar geleden
Pages loyal to the Assad government announce the killing of Brigadier General Ammar Jawdat Tishuri, Republican Guard, in a Turkish bombardment of the village of Mayasa in the Afrin countryside in the northern countryside of Aleppo
1 jaar geleden
Injuries among Assad's forces soldiers in a Turkish bombardment targeting military points of the Assad government in the village of Mayasa, southeast of Afrin, in the countryside of Aleppo, Syria
1 jaar geleden
TAF artillery units hit the joint centers of the YPG and the Assad government in the village of Miyase in the south of Afrin.
1 jaar geleden
Russische commissaris voor mensenrechten: Ik heb tijdens mijn ontmoetingen met mijn Oekraïense en Turkse collega's belangrijke voorstellen gedaan voor een staakt-het-vuren
Reuters, according to a Turkish official: Discussions are continuing to hold a meeting between the foreign ministers of Turkey, Russia and the Assad government, and there are no problems, and work is being done on the timing.1 jaar geleden
Reuters, according to a Turkish official: Discussions are continuing to hold a meeting between the foreign ministers of Turkey, Russia and the Assad government, and there are no problems, and work is being done on the timing.
1 jaar geleden
Al-Hasakah: Syrian Democratic Forces killed and wounded by Turkish drone strikes targeting a car on the Qamishli-Al-Hasakah road
1 jaar geleden
There were deaths and injuries among the SDF forces, including military commanders, as a result of an air strike by the Turkish drones that targeted a military vehicle on the M4 international road that connects the cities of Qamishli and Al-Hasakah
1 jaar geleden
Earthquake of magnitude 4.9 - 6 km SW of Behram, Turkey
1 jaar geleden
Turkish forces bombard SDF positions with rocket barrages in the areas of Saida, Maalaq, the vicinity of Ain Issa, and the M4 international road north of Raqqa
1 jaar geleden
Sweden can't meet Turkey's demands for NATO bid: PM
1 jaar geleden
Earthquake of magnitude 4.6 - 5 km NNE of Míthymna, Greece
1 jaar geleden
Earthquake of magnitude 4.7 - 2 km NNE of Míthymna, Greece
1 jaar geleden
Poetin en Erdogan bespraken Oekraïne en Syrië in een telefoongesprek
The Turkish army targets with heavy artillery sites of the "SDF" in the vicinity of the city of Tal-Rifaat, north of Aleppo
1 jaar geleden
Two PKK militants detected in the Metina region in northern Iraq were neutralized. - Turkish army
Pro-Assad forces media: The meeting with Turkey in Moscow confirmed the danger of the PKK
1 jaar geleden
7 people were killed and 4 others injured as a result of a gas cylinder explosion in a restaurant in the city of Aydin, western Turkey
Protest in Tell Abyad, north of Raqqa1 jaar geleden
Protest in Tell Abyad, north of Raqqa
1 jaar geleden
Turkish Minister of Defense: After the positive developments through the recent talks, it is possible to hold a meeting between Erdogan and Assad, if the circumstances are appropriate.
A mass demonstration took place in the city of Jarabulus, east of Aleppo, calling for the overthrow of the Pro-Assad forces and rejecting normalization with it
The Kurdish administration in northern Syria: We call for confronting the Pro-Assad forces's alliance with Turkey and bringing it down
1 jaar geleden
Akar says there was a "constructive atmosphere" at the Moscow meeting, and Turks, Syrians, and Russians will keep meeting in this trilateral format. Cavusoglu says a foreign minister meeting is next, but there's no date yet and it won't be in January
1 jaar geleden
Turkish Defense Minister and intelligence chief arrive in Moscow for talks - Turkish Defense Ministry
1 jaar geleden
Indian police are investigating the death of two Russian citizens at same hotel in Odisha state within two days last week
1 jaar geleden
Turkish forces bombarded with artillery shells and missiles sites belonging to the Pro-Assad forces in the countryside of Kobane, east of Aleppo
1 jaar geleden
The Turkish Ministry of Defense announces the killing of 12 Kurdish militants in northern Syria
1 jaar geleden
Ankara court blocks access to news and tweets about torture allegations against police officer
1 jaar geleden
;Twitter Files: FBI acts as 'doorman' to vast program of social media surveillance, censorship ;Supporters of PKK terror group turn Paris into battlefield, injure 31 police officers ;At least 27 injured when stage collapses at basketball game in Egypt