25 Vasario 2025
Atrodo, kad sekretorius Blinkenas išreiškia tam tikrą optimizmą, kad Turkijos susirūpinimas dėl Suomijos ir Švedijos stojimo į NATO bus išspręstas iki kitą mėnesį vyksiančio NATO viršūnių susitikimo: JAV tikisi, kad „šis procesas pajudės į viršūnių susitikimą.
Pavogtos prekės iš okupuotos Ukrainos: Astrachanėje įsikūręs CMC su Rusijos vėliava plaukiojantis birių krovinių laivas Matros Koshka plaukė Bosforo sąsiauriu link Med, pakeliui iš okupuoto Sevastopolio tariamai į Beirutą, bet iš tikrųjų į Siriją (Tartusą arba Latakiją), gabendamas 27200 tonų pavogtų kviečių. OATT2 metų prieš
Pavogtos prekės iš okupuotos Ukrainos: Astrachanėje įsikūręs CMC su Rusijos vėliava plaukiojantis birių krovinių laivas Matros Koshka plaukė Bosforo sąsiauriu link Med, pakeliui iš okupuoto Sevastopolio tariamai į Beirutą, bet iš tikrųjų į Siriją (Tartusą arba Latakiją), gabendamas 27200 tonų pavogtų kviečių. OATT
A joint military patrol of the Russian and Syrian forces with the Syrian Democratic Forces in the Ras al-Ain area near the Syrian-Turkish border
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Turkish forces target a village north of Syria's Manbij with mortars
Turkish drone targets the town of Tel Rifaat north of Syria's Aleppo countryside
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The Syrian Observatory: International coalition warplanes and helicopters fly over the entire line extending from Ain Issa, north of Raqqa, to the Syrian-Turkish border
A military convoy of the Turkish army, consisting of 56 tanks, 11 rocket launchers, and dozens of trucks, is heading to the axes of the city of Manbij
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Turkijos nacionalinis saugumas paskelbė pareiškimą dėl karinės operacijos Šiaurės Sirijoje
5x Turkish UAVs orbiting over Syria
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Turkish forces and the "National Army" factions target with artillery shells SDF positions in the villages of Samouqa Hassajk and Dam al-Shahba in the northern countryside of Aleppo.
Metîna/Zap Region — Turkish airborne commandos and special forces managed to advance into the Hakkarî, Cûdî and Zêwê areas, subsequently cutting off the two regions. Violent clashes are ongoing as the guerrillas carry out intensive counter-attacks against these areas2 metų prieš
Metîna/Zap Region — Turkish airborne commandos and special forces managed to advance into the Hakkarî, Cûdî and Zêwê areas, subsequently cutting off the two regions. Violent clashes are ongoing as the guerrillas carry out intensive counter-attacks against these areas
Ministers @RauZbigniew and @MevlutCavusoglu met in Istanbul2 metų prieš
Ministers @RauZbigniew and @MevlutCavusoglu met in Istanbul
Turkish-backed Forces forces hit a PKK house on the Tel Temr line east of Ras Al Ayn with an ATGM missile.2 metų prieš
Turkish-backed Forces forces hit a PKK house on the Tel Temr line east of Ras Al Ayn with an ATGM missile.
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Turkish forces and their affiliated SNA factions shell the two villages of Tel Tawil and al-Tawila in Hasakah northern countryside, NE_Syria
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Turkey says it handed a list of demands on PKK and Gulenists to Sweden and Finland on the NATO bid yesterday. Turkish FM Cavusoglu says the list has specific requests and both countries will deliberate on them. "We expect them to make legal changes if necessary," he said
The Turkish Foreign Minister @MevlutCavusoglu has warned the Greek Government over the illegal militarisation of the Islands in the Aegean Sea by saying:  We're not bluffing, if Athens doesn't comply, we'll take things forward2 metų prieš
The Turkish Foreign Minister @MevlutCavusoglu has warned the Greek Government over the illegal militarisation of the Islands in the Aegean Sea by saying: "We're not bluffing, if Athens doesn't comply, we'll take things forward
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Reports confirm the arrest of Abu Hassan al-Hashemi, the new leader of ISIS
14 PKK militants detected in the Operation Claw-Lock region were neutralized by an air operation.2 metų prieš
14 PKK militants detected in the Operation Claw-Lock region were neutralized by an air operation.
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14 PKK militants neutralized in the Claw-Lock Operation region - Turkish army
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Al Arabiya sources: The Turkish army will first target the YPG in Syria with air strikes
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Turkish forces bomb al-Muhsinli village, north of the city of Manbij, north Aleppo, with mortar shells
TAF elements in the base area in Afrin, Syria, started hitting YPG targets in Tel Rifat.
Turkish forces targeted villages in the countryside of Zarkan town, north of Hasakah in NE_Syria, with heavy weapons
Turkish artillery units hit SDF positions in Dada Abdal and Elbubi villages east of Rasulayn
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The Turkish Ministry of Defense: Neutralizing 5 members of the Syrian Democratic Forces who were preparing to attack the "Euphrates Shield and Peace Spring" areas in north and east Syria
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The Syrian Observatory: Turkish forces bombed the vicinity of Ain Issa camp and sites in the northern countryside of Raqqa
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Turkija teigia, kad NATO plėtra bus atidėta, nebent Švedija ir Suomija imsis veiksmų dėl Ankaros saugumo poreikių. Ankara kito NATO viršūnių susitikimo nelaiko galutiniu terminu. Vyresnysis Turkijos pareigūnas Kalinas sako, kad abi šalys pranešė, kad netrukus gali panaikinti ginklų eksporto draudimą Turkijai
Syrian Foreign Ministry: Aggression, occupation, and demographic cleansing are the only legal and realistic description that applies to the illegal Turkish presence in Syrian territory
Turkish Defense Minister Hulusi Akar announced the killing and wounding of more than 100 PKK militants, since the launch of Operation Claw-Lock in northern Iraq more than a month ago.2 metų prieš
Turkish Defense Minister Hulusi Akar announced the killing and wounding of more than 100 PKK militants, since the launch of Operation Claw-Lock in northern Iraq more than a month ago.
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The Turkish army targets with missile barrages the positions and points of positions of the SDF forces in villages and towns in the countryside of Tal Tamr, north of Al-Hasakah, coinciding with the flight of Turkish reconnaissance aircraft over the region