12 March 2025
Full statement by jailed PKK-leader Abdullah Öcalan, calling for the dissolution of the PKK1 týden Před
Full statement by jailed PKK-leader Abdullah Öcalan, calling for the dissolution of the PKK
Ocalan on Kurdish-Turkish relations; Throughout more than 1000 years of history, Turks and Kurds have always found it necessary to remain in an alliance, with the voluntary aspect being dominant, in order to maintain their existence and to stand against hegemonic powers.1 týden Před
Ocalan on Kurdish-Turkish relations; Throughout more than 1000 years of history, Turks and Kurds have always found it necessary to remain in an alliance, with the voluntary aspect being dominant, in order to maintain their existence and to stand against hegemonic powers.
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Ocalan in a letter from his prison: The language of the era of peace and democratic society needs to be developed
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Jailed militant PKK leader Ocalan says all groups must lay down their arms and the PKK must dissolve itself, Turkey's pro-Kurdish party says
1 týden Před
Abdullah Ocalan's statement: I call on the PKK to hold a general conference and decide to dissolve itself
Jailed PKK leader Ocalan will publish a statement today which sets forward a new path to peace between the PKK and the Turkish state. Ahead of the statement this photo has been released, showing Ocalan with a delegation of the Kurdish DEM party1 týden Před
Jailed PKK leader Ocalan will publish a statement today which sets forward a new path to peace between the PKK and the Turkish state. Ahead of the statement this photo has been released, showing Ocalan with a delegation of the Kurdish DEM party
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Russia, US diplomats meet in Istanbul for embassy talks, report Russian news agencies
SDF Press: 8 civilian and 4 SDF fighter dead as result Turkish aggression on the countryside of Al-Shaddadi with more than 16 air strikes
Turkish drones bomb a convoy of Kurdish civilians near Tishrin Dam, south of Kobanê
Syrian Civil Defense: One person killed by unknown drone fire near Al-Nasr residential village, south of Jarablus city in eastern Aleppo countryside
Erdogan says only Turkey could save the European Union from the troubles it has fallen into due to Ukraine war. Ankara could remedy European defense, revive the aging population in the continent “This could only happen with Ankara’s EU membership”2 týden Před
Erdogan says only Turkey could save the European Union from the troubles it has fallen into due to Ukraine war. Ankara could remedy European defense, revive the aging population in the continent “This could only happen with Ankara’s EU membership”
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Turkish Foreign Minister: We are concerned about Netanyahu's attempt to return to war in Gaza and we call on him to stop his operations in the West Bank
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Turkish Foreign Minister: I discussed with Lavrov the necessity of preserving Syria's unity
Turkish warplanes strike SDF targets on the Sarrin line south of Kobane/Aynel Arab
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Erdogan: Türkiye needs to get rid of its problems, especially the scourge of terrorism, while a new world is being created
Iraq’s oil ministry confirms the completion of measures to resume oil production from the Kurdistan Region via Turkey's Ceyhan port
Turkish aircraft target SDF militia sites in the vicinity of Sarrin and Tishreen Dam with several raids
Turkish warplanes strike SDF targets on the Sarrin line west of Kobane
Turkish airstrikes target SDF sites south of Tal al-Shuyukh in Manbij countryside
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On the issue of Türkiye President Erdogan’s recent comments over Kashmir, MEA spokesperson Randhir Jaiswal says, "We reject such objectionable comments on matters that are eternal to India. We have lodged a strong protest with the Turkish ambassador"
The Turkish Ministry of Defense announces the killing of two PKK militants in an operation targeting them in the Hakurk region in northern Iraq.
Amid artillery fire on frontlines of Teshreen dam Turkish fighter jets execute two airstrikes on Kobane countryside
The Turkish Ministry of Defense announced the killing of 9 militants from the Kurdistan Workers' Party, after they were spotted in the Kara and Hakurk regions in northern Iraq.2 týden Před
The Turkish Ministry of Defense announced the killing of 9 militants from the Kurdistan Workers' Party, after they were spotted in the Kara and Hakurk regions in northern Iraq.
Prezident Türkiye Erdogan:nn- Znovu potvrzujeme naši podporu územní celistvosti, suverenitě a nezávislosti Ukrajiny; - Jsme připraveni poskytnout jakoukoli podporu k ukončení této války mírovým způsobem; - Tato válka, která stála mnoho životů, musí skončit; - Jsme připraveni udělat svou část pro námořní bezpečnost v Černém moři3 týden Před
Prezident Türkiye Erdogan:nn- Znovu potvrzujeme naši podporu územní celistvosti, suverenitě a nezávislosti Ukrajiny; - Jsme připraveni poskytnout jakoukoli podporu k ukončení této války mírovým způsobem; - Tato válka, která stála mnoho životů, musí skončit; - Jsme připraveni udělat svou část pro námořní bezpečnost v Černém moři
Turecký prezident Erdogan: Vždy jsme se zasazovali o nastolení míru vyjednaného mezi Ruskem a Ukrajinou; -Díky naší diplomatické korespondenci mezi stranami jsme realizovali dohodu o černomořském koridoru; - V posledních letech jsme se setkali s představiteli Ruska a Ukrajiny na různých úrovních; - Pan Trump také prohlásil, že válka by měla skončit dialogem; - Pokud jde o pravděpodobné mírové rozhovory mezi USA, Ruskem a Ukrajinou, věřím, že Turecko bude velmi vhodným hostitelem takových rozhovorů.3 týden Před
Turecký prezident Erdogan: Vždy jsme se zasazovali o nastolení míru vyjednaného mezi Ruskem a Ukrajinou; -Díky naší diplomatické korespondenci mezi stranami jsme realizovali dohodu o černomořském koridoru; - V posledních letech jsme se setkali s představiteli Ruska a Ukrajiny na různých úrovních; - Pan Trump také prohlásil, že válka by měla skončit dialogem; - Pokud jde o pravděpodobné mírové rozhovory mezi USA, Ruskem a Ukrajinou, věřím, že Turecko bude velmi vhodným hostitelem takových rozhovorů.
3 týden Před
Turecký ministr zahraničí Hakan Fidan se setkal s ukrajinským ministrem obrany Rustem Umerovem v tureckém hlavním městě Ankaře
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The Turkish Armed Forces hit the SDF targets located on the Ayn Issa line with artillery fire
A short while ago, Turkish warplanes launched 3 raids on SDF positions in the "Zor Maghar" area on the Euphrates River opposite the city of Jarabulus, east of Aleppo, destroying missile launch pads and tunnels
Turecký prezident Recep Tayyip Erdogan vítá svého ukrajinského protějšku Volodymyra Zelenského v prezidentském komplexu v Ankaře3 týden Před
Turecký prezident Recep Tayyip Erdogan vítá svého ukrajinského protějšku Volodymyra Zelenského v prezidentském komplexu v Ankaře
Turkish Ministry of National Defense announced that two PKK militants were neutralized in the Gara and Claw-Lock Operation regions in northern Iraq.3 týden Před
Turkish Ministry of National Defense announced that two PKK militants were neutralized in the Gara and Claw-Lock Operation regions in northern Iraq.