7 Юли 2024
10 месец назад
Earthquake of magnitude 4.8 - 11 km SW of Yeşilyurt, Turkey
10 месец назад
Amûdê: Turkish-drone strike reported in Amûdê countryside
10 месец назад
Ердоган каза, че Турция не признава анексирането на Крим. „Крим е част от Украйна. Поддържаме подкрепата си за териториалната цялост на Украйна. Ердоган призовава за освобождаването на лидерите на кримските татари, които бяха затворени от Русия
Personnel from the fire fighters unit bravely pass through the jungle.10 месец назад
Personnel from the fire fighters unit bravely pass through the jungle.
Real-life heroes trying to save animals in the terrifying forest fire in Turkey10 месец назад
Real-life heroes trying to save animals in the terrifying forest fire in Turkey
The fire that started in the jungle is now spreading towards the town.10 месец назад
The fire that started in the jungle is now spreading towards the town.
10 месец назад
Anatolia: Turkish intelligence announces the neutralization of the so-called “Bakir Kina” In the PKK organization in Sulaymaniyah Governorate, northern Iraq, which underwent training to assassinate members of the Turkish forces
10 месец назад
Iraqi Foreign Minister: The Turkish Foreign Minister suggested forming a permanent committee to discuss the water file between the two countries
Raging wildfire reaches near city center in Çanakkale, Turkey, hospital and university evacuated10 месец назад
Raging wildfire reaches near city center in Çanakkale, Turkey, hospital and university evacuated
Forest fire in Çanakkale: State hospital is being evacuated, citizens affected by smoke are leaving their homes10 месец назад
Forest fire in Çanakkale: State hospital is being evacuated, citizens affected by smoke are leaving their homes
10 месец назад
As part of the response to the forest fire that took place today near Damyer. 421 staff, 10 planes, 26 helicopters, 68 sprinkler and backhoe loaders
Massive forest fire in  Çanakkale of Turkey10 месец назад
Massive forest fire in Çanakkale of Turkey
10 месец назад
Earthquake of magnitude 4.7 - Central Turkey
10 месец назад
Тежкотоварен товарен кораб премина през Босфора на път от Сен Назер до Констанца, носейки два 32-метрови патрулни катера FPB 98 с алуминиеви корпуси, построени от OCEA Les Sables-d'Olonne, за Службата за държавна гранична охрана на Украйна, @MVS_UA
10 месец назад
President Erdoğan: We will meet and talk with Putin face to face. My Foreign Minister may travel to Russia soon. Because it is of great importance that this business be face to face.
EU countries have discussed importing Iran gas through Türkiye. Iran Deputy Oil Minister: negotiations are ongoing & have not yet reached a conclusive agreement. Iran will not prevent Turkmenistan gas reaching Turkey via Iran if it wants to transport its own gas to EU10 месец назад
EU countries have discussed importing Iran gas through Türkiye. Iran Deputy Oil Minister: negotiations are ongoing & have not yet reached a conclusive agreement. Iran will not prevent Turkmenistan gas reaching Turkey via Iran if it wants to transport its own gas to EU
Syria: Turkey carried out this afternoon an airstrike (& the first of that kind since 2018). A TSK drone destroyed the car of SDF leaders who went to town of Zahraa (North Aleppo) to meet pro-Assad/Iranian officials. Multiple casualties10 месец назад
Syria: Turkey carried out this afternoon an airstrike (& the first of that kind since 2018). A TSK drone destroyed the car of SDF leaders who went to town of Zahraa (North Aleppo) to meet pro-Assad/Iranian officials. Multiple casualties
Забелязано от бюрото в Истанбул тази сутрин: Флагманът на 6-ти флот на САЩ, USS Mount Whitney, пристига в пристанището в момент на високо напрежение в Черно море. ID на кораба от @YorukIsik10 месец назад
Забелязано от бюрото в Истанбул тази сутрин: Флагманът на 6-ти флот на САЩ, USS Mount Whitney, пристига в пристанището в момент на високо напрежение в Черно море. ID на кораба от @YorukIsik
Турция предупреди Русия след нападение на кораб в Черно море, съобщи турското президентство. „Нашите събеседници в Русия бяха предупредени да избягват подобни опити, за да се избегне ескалация в Черно море, казва клон на турското президентство10 месец назад
Турция предупреди Русия след нападение на кораб в Черно море, съобщи турското президентство. „Нашите събеседници в Русия бяха предупредени да избягват подобни опити, за да се избегне ескалация в Черно море", казва клон на турското президентство
Контейнерният кораб Joseph Schulte, който напусна Одеса, е в румънски води, ще пристигне в Истанбул тази вечер, - представител на корабособственика10 месец назад
Контейнерният кораб Joseph Schulte, който напусна Одеса, е в румънски води, ще пристигне в Истанбул тази вечер, - представител на корабособственика
10 месец назад
Earthquake of magnitude 4.7 - 3 km WSW of Yeşilyurt, Turkey
11 месец назад
The Turkish Defense Ministry announces the neutralization of 12 YPG fighters in a military operation in northern Syria
People come out to the streets after the earthquake of 5.5 that hit Malatya, Turquiacute; After experiencing a destructive earthquake last year, people are still afraid to enter their homes due to the lingering fear of aftershocks.11 месец назад
People come out to the streets after the earthquake of 5.5 that hit Malatya, Turquiacute; After experiencing a destructive earthquake last year, people are still afraid to enter their homes due to the lingering fear of aftershocks.
After experiencing a dangerous earthquake last year, people are still afraid to enter their homes due to the lingering fear of aftershocks Malatya Turqu'a deprem11 месец назад
After experiencing a dangerous earthquake last year, people are still afraid to enter their homes due to the lingering fear of aftershocks Malatya Turqu'a deprem
11 месец назад
Earthquake of magnitude 5.3 - eastern Turkey
11 месец назад
Assad blamed Erdogan for the increase in violence in Syria, demands the withdrawal of Turkish troops
11 месец назад
Explosion rocks Derince Port in Turkey. CNN Turk reports that two grain silos have been affected by the explosion
11 месец назад
Turkish Ministry of Defense: 5 Kurdish militants were killed in northern Syria
11 месец назад
Путин и Ердоган проведоха телефонен разговор, обсъдиха зърнената сделка, договориха се за посещението на Путин в Турция
11 месец назад
Turkish Ministry of Defense: 3 "militants" from the "PKK" have been neutralized in the Zap region within the areas of Operation Claw in northern Iraq