25 fevral 2025
Turkish forces bomb al-Muhsinli village, north of the city of Manbij, north Aleppo, with mortar shells
TAF elements in the base area in Afrin, Syria, started hitting YPG targets in Tel Rifat.
Turkish forces targeted villages in the countryside of Zarkan town, north of Hasakah in NE_Syria, with heavy weapons
Turkish artillery units hit SDF positions in Dada Abdal and Elbubi villages east of Rasulayn
2 year ago
The Turkish Ministry of Defense: Neutralizing 5 members of the Syrian Democratic Forces who were preparing to attack the "Euphrates Shield and Peace Spring" areas in north and east Syria
The Syrian Observatory: Turkish forces bombed the vicinity of Ain Issa camp and sites in the northern countryside of Raqqa
2 year ago
Türkiyə bildirir ki, İsveç və Finlandiya Ankaranın təhlükəsizlik ehtiyacları ilə bağlı addım atmasa, NATO-nun genişlənməsi gecikəcək. Ankara NATO-nun növbəti sammitini son tarix kimi görmür. Türkiyənin yüksək vəzifəli rəsmisi Kalın deyir ki, hər iki ölkə Türkiyəyə silah ixracına qoyulan qadağanı tezliklə aradan qaldıra biləcəklərinə işarə edib
Syrian Foreign Ministry: Aggression, occupation, and demographic cleansing are the only legal and realistic description that applies to the illegal Turkish presence in Syrian territory
Turkish Defense Minister Hulusi Akar announced the killing and wounding of more than 100 PKK militants, since the launch of Operation Claw-Lock in northern Iraq more than a month ago.2 year ago
Turkish Defense Minister Hulusi Akar announced the killing and wounding of more than 100 PKK militants, since the launch of Operation Claw-Lock in northern Iraq more than a month ago.
2 year ago
The Turkish army targets with missile barrages the positions and points of positions of the SDF forces in villages and towns in the countryside of Tal Tamr, north of Al-Hasakah, coinciding with the flight of Turkish reconnaissance aircraft over the region
Erdogan says a new Turkish military operation will soon begin to establish a safe zone 30km deep in Northern Syria where Turkey has no control.   He means remaining YPG / SDF controlled areas2 year ago
Erdogan says a new Turkish military operation will soon begin to establish a safe zone 30km deep in Northern Syria where Turkey has no control. He means remaining YPG / SDF controlled areas
2 year ago
Explosions were heard near the Turkish-controlled Zlikan base in Mosul Iraq
Hundreds of thousands of people gathered on Saturday in Istanbul's Maltepe Square for a political rally demanding human rights, freedoms and justice, organised by the main opposition Republican People's Party, CHP2 year ago
Hundreds of thousands of people gathered on Saturday in Istanbul's Maltepe Square for a political rally demanding human rights, freedoms and justice, organised by the main opposition Republican People's Party, CHP
NATO Secretary General: The security concerns of all allies must be taken into account and talks with Turkey will continue to find a solution
Russian jet fuel, intercepted by @GreenpeaceNorge @ExtinctionR activists & rejected from Exxon Mobil's Slagen oil terminal, finds its way to Istanbul Grand Airport: Asia Gold's Hong Kong flag Aframax LR2 tanker Ust Luga transited Bosphorus towards Black Sea en route to IGA2 year ago
Russian jet fuel, intercepted by @GreenpeaceNorge @ExtinctionR activists & rejected from Exxon Mobil's Slagen oil terminal, finds its way to Istanbul Grand Airport: Asia Gold's Hong Kong flag Aframax LR2 tanker Ust Luga transited Bosphorus towards Black Sea en route to IGA
A Turkish drone was shot down by the Pro-Assad forces's fire east of Aleppo, and the Turkish army responded with missiles
2 year ago
The Syrian National Army targets with artillery shells SDF positions in the village of "Al-Dardara" in the northern countryside of Al-Hasakah
2 year ago
Turkish fighter jets violated Greek airspace and approached the border city of Alexandroupoli at a distance of just 2,5 nautical miles, in what Athens calls an "unprecedented violation of national sovereignty", protesting to Turkey's ambassador & informing EU, NATO & UN: Greek FM
2 year ago
Greece's foreign ministry @GreeceMFA lodges urgent complaint with Turkish ambassador after two Turkish F-16s violate Greek national airspace 2.5 miles from northern port of Alexandroupoli in unprecedented transgression. Greece to brief EU, NATO, UN, formin says
2 year ago
Turkish artillery units hit SDF positions in the villages of Tel Şenan and Dardara, east of Ras Al Ain
2 year ago
Turkish forces bombard the northern countryside of Hasakah in NE_Syria with medium and heavy weapons
Sweden must cut its ties with a Syrian Kurdish militia or Turkey will continue to block its application to Nato, Ankara's ambassador to Stockholm tells ⁦@rmilneNordic⁩ amid a deepening diplomatic crisis
2 year ago
The Turkish army targets with artillery shells the positions of the Syrian Democratic Forces stationed near the city of Al-Bab, east of Aleppo
Birləşmiş Ştatlar və Türkiyə mövcud geosiyasi çağırışlarla mübarizə aparmaq üçün sıx əməkdaşlıq etməyə sadiqdirlər2 year ago
"Birləşmiş Ştatlar və Türkiyə mövcud geosiyasi çağırışlarla mübarizə aparmaq üçün sıx əməkdaşlıq etməyə sadiqdirlər
Rusiya Hərbi Dəniz Qüvvələrinin raket freqatı Admiral Qriqoroviç, bu gün Dardanel boğazına Qara dənizə doğru yaxınlaşır. Ehtimal ki, iki rus tankerini müşayiət edir (Yaz, IMO 9735323 və Sig, IMO 9735335) Döyüş gəmisinin Aralıq dənizində qaldığı anlaşılır.2 year ago
Rusiya Hərbi Dəniz Qüvvələrinin raket freqatı Admiral Qriqoroviç, bu gün Dardanel boğazına Qara dənizə doğru yaxınlaşır. Ehtimal ki, iki rus tankerini müşayiət edir (Yaz, IMO 9735323 və Sig, IMO 9735335) Döyüş gəmisinin Aralıq dənizində qaldığı anlaşılır.
Turkish artillery units are hitting PKK positions on the Ayn Isa line. Key points hit
In a meeting today in Washington with Turkey Deputy Foreign Minister Sedat Onal, @DeputySecState "discussed the need for solidarity among NATO Allies and partners in confronting" Russia, according to @StateDept
Yens Stoltenberq: Xarici işlər naziri @Mövlut Çavuşoğlu ilə ən yaxın tərəfdaşlarımız Finlandiyanın qərarları barədə danışdıq
2 year ago
Ərdoğan bildirib ki, Türkiyə İsveç və Finlandiyanın NATO-ya üzv olmaq tələbinin əleyhinə səs verəcək
2 year ago
.@SecBlinken Finlandiya və İsveçin NATO-ya üzvlüyü ilə bağlı "konsensusa nail olacağımıza çox əmin olduğunu" deyir, baxmayaraq ki, Türkiyənin hazırda onların üzvlüyünü dəstəkləməyəcəkləri barədə göstərişlər verir.